5 kidney damage symptoms you probably ignore!

Pay attention!

The sooner you diagnose kidney damage, the more effective your treatment.

These little guys generally try to warn you of kidney damage before bigger health problems show up. After all, kidneys are vital organs that are responsible for waste elimination. So when kidney functions aren’t working properly, toxins will accumulate within the body.

Lower Back Pain
Having constant pain or discomfort is very common when the kidney is in poor health.

The pain may start one side or both sides at the same time, but if it doesn’t get treated it will end up affecting both sides within in little time.

For most people this discomfort goes away when urinating.

Urination Patterns
Another common warning signal is changes in urinary function such as an odd or unfamiliar odor, paler or darker appearance, and reduced or increased frequency.

Urine may suddenly become foamy or it may become painful to urinate.

If you experience any of these symptoms or discover blood in your pee, it is important to consult a professional immediately.

When your urinary pattern is changing this is usually from small kidney problems.

Once the kidney stops working correctly and stops getting rid of waste from the body it may cause swelling.

You can see swelling in the feet, hands, ankle, and hands, when it’s not working properly, in worst condition swelling, can affect the heart and lungs as well.

Skin Problems
When kidneys are not working properly it allows the toxins to build up in the body and usually are shown on the skin, making it dry, creating rashes and itching.

There are many creams, prescriptions, and natural remedies that will stop the effects but that jut causing you to avoid the main cause of this occurring.

Oxygen Failure
One of the vital functions of the kidneys is to produce erythropoietin which is important for the production oxygen-carrying red blood cells.

When the body is missing red blood cells it tends to be the result of iron deficiency and anemia.

When iron levels are low a person constantly feels cold in a warm environment feel very weak and tired.

Oxygen plays many major roles in the human body and when it is not properly transported through the various systems they all suffer.

How To Improve Kidney Health

Avoid Cadmium

Do Not Smoke

Drink Plenty of Healthy Fluids

Engage in Daily Physical Activity

Drink Cranberry Juice

Consume Herbal Teas (Juniper Berries, Horsetail, Goldenrod Blossoms, Burdock Root)
