We Are Eating Poison! Here’s How To Identify GMO Tomatoes In 2 Easy Steps!

Here's how to tell the difference:

We all know the importance of vegetables to our health and we all know the organic variety should be the first pick ahead of the GMO variants.

Public awareness has risen recently as more people are exposed to information on natural remedies for living a health life.
With this new knowledge, it has increased the demand for organic fruits and vegetables
Learn how to avoid GMO fruits and vegetables with these esasy steps:
Labelling And Coding
GMO fruits and vegetables are labelled with a four digit code whereas organic fruits and vegetables including  tomatoes are labelled with a code comprising of five digits.
The Starting Number On The Code
Organics are given a five digit code which always starting with the number 9. Genetically Modified (GM) fruit and vegetables are given a four digit code always starting with the number 8.
More than 80% of all processed foods in the U.S are genetically modified so if you want to stay away from the GMOs and start living organic, it is important to know these tips.
Many European countries are banning  GMO products .These countries include;
  • France
  • Germany
  • Luxemburg
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • And Austria.