Great benefits!

Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of death. More people die from this disease, than from colon cancer, breast cancer and pancreas together.

From 75 to 80% of the cases of lung cancer come from cancer known as non – small cell lung cancer (NSCL). A study published in the journal “Pub Med” shows that parsley can be used as a cure for this terrible disease, thanks to its substance apigenin, which has the ability to kill cancer cells up to 86%.

Besides parsley, there are a few groceries that are packed with apigenin, such as: celery, onion, orange, oregano, coriander, chamomile tea, red wine and artichoke.

But the apigenin contained in parsley is most concentrated and therefore most recommended in the fight against cancer.

The parsley tea should be prepared as follows:

Finely dice 15 g of parsley roots and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them.

Allow it to boil for another 5 minutes. Leave it covered to stand for 15 minutes, and then strain it.

To benefit from all healing powers, it is necessary to drink three cups a day.

In alternative medicine, parsley is considered the best remedy that removes sand and kidney stones, successfully treats urinary infections and a strong diuretic.

We recommend tea from parsley roots and leaves.
