This flower can save your life, almost nobody knows their benefits and only use it as decoration


Thanks to our nature we get flower full of many beneficial properties to treat many diseases in our health. Today we will talk about the properties of the bougainvillea.

Many people know this flower and we do not know the wonders that this flower can make in our health, in general and only occupy them to decorate their houses. We invite you to know the properties of the bougainvillea.

Then we will leave you the properties of this flower and the way of preparation so that you can take advantage of all the benefits of the bougainvillea, and remember to take care of our nature because thanks to her we get plants full of many properties.


Anti-tussive: Decreases dry cough.

Expectorant: Helps remove mucus from the upper respiratory tract (larynx, pharynx, bronchi).

Antipyretic (fever decreases): The antipyretic effect of bougainvillea is practically instantaneous.

Respiratory Benefits: It improves the respiratory system. It collaborates with the correct functioning of the lungs and their ability to oxygenate the body.

It helps to balance the digestive system: In this case it is not the flowers but the roots and the leaves that take center stage. In the case of the roots, these have a laxative effect, while the leaves cause constipation. Depending on the condition, we can choose one or the other option.

Promotes the care of the skin: The bougainvillea is reconodia by its antiseptic properties, especially on the skin, reason why it helps to fight the acne, the infections and the desquamation.

If you have acne or have a peeling skin that usually has bacteria, with the antiseptic effect of the bougainvillea, you can keep it clean and away from bacteria that cause those rashes. In addition, it will help control the toxicity of the skin by cleansing it in depth.

Accelerate healing:
To achieve this, it is only necessary to soak the wound in a cold infusion of bougainvillea flowers.

Purgante: For those who want to detoxify their body of toxic material, it can be obtained thanks to the bougainvillea, because it can help cleanse us inside and thus make our organs, like the liver, work much better after detoxification.

How to Make an Infusion of This Plant?
Cut the fresh flowers directly from the plant and wash them with plenty of cold water to remove the impurities.
Boil a saucepan with water and when it boils, place the flowers inside.
Remove from the fire when the water changes its color to a hue that resembles the hue of the bougainvillea flowers that are being used.
Let stand for a few minutes and then strain the preparation.
It is advisable to add a spoonful of honey to the infusion.
Remember that the infusion is consumed very hot.
