These Common Ingredients And 15 Minutes is All You Need To Help Kill a Sinus Infection

Its's easy.

Sinus infections are characterized by pain, headaches, and sinus pressure, which are really difficult and exhausting, but fortunately, they can be relieved in a completely natural way.

Sinusitis is inflammation of the nasal cavities and sinuses, which impedes breathing, and leads to sinus pain and pressure. It is most often caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or allergies.

If you start treating the sinus infection in the early stages, you might avoid antibiotics. Rest as much as possible, drink plenty of teas and water, and avoid sugar.

To soothe the pain and boost drainage, try steams and nasal rinses, and sleep with the head elevated. If the symptoms persist, or you have a fever over 100.5, you must see a doctor immediately.

Also, these are other signs of a serious infection:

  • Double vision
  • Shortness of breath
  • Stiff neck
  • Pain or swelling around the eyes
  • A swollen forehead
  • Severe headache
  • Confusion
  • Vision abnormalities

ACV and Pressure Points for fighting sinus congestion

The vomer bone is a thin, vertical one in the nasal cavity, and if you move it back and forth, you will be able to drain the sinuses and immediately soothe the painful pressure and inflammation. Just place a thumb on the area between the eyebrows while pushing the tongue against the roof of your mouth, and press with the thumb and tongue at the same time.

Moreover, apple cider vinegar is excellent for reducing the production of mucus and for treating colds and a runny nose. The following tonic should be taken 2-3 times daily and it will destroy pathogens, break up congestion, and improve other sinus infection symptoms:


  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 1/2 cups warm water
  • 3-5 drops plain stevia (or teaspoon of raw honey)


Add the apple cider vinegar to the water, stir, and add the honey or stevia. Drink the tonic a few times daily.

The following home remedies are also extremely helpful:

Antibiotic Lemon and Garlic Tea


  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 organic whole lemon, washed, cut into four pieces, and seeded
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • ½ cup water
  • Honey to taste


In a blender, mix the lemon, garlic, and ½ cup water, and put the mixture into a heatproof 16 oz. jar. Then, add the boiling water, cover and allow it to steep for 5 minutes.

Strain the mixture and transfer it to a bigger mug. Add honey and drink it a few times daily to clear the sinus infection.

Horseradish Spread

To quickly clear the congested sinus passages, mix a teaspoon of virgin olive oil, a tablespoon of freshly grated horseradish, and 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Then, spread it on crackers.

Steam with Thyme & Peppermint

Thyme is a powerful antibacterial, and the menthol in the mint acts as a strong natural decongestant.

Therefore, pour 3 teaspoons of dried thyme and the same amount of peppermint in a heatproof bowl, pour boiling water, and lean over it. Cover the head and bowl with a thick towel, and inhale for 10 minutes, a few times daily.

Ginger Compress

Ginger is also very effective in relieving inflammation and sinus pain. You should boil 2 cups of water, and add 3″ sliced ginger root. Cover the pot and leave it to simmer for 20 minutes on low heat. Strain, leave it to cool and soak a washcloth in it. Then, lie down with your head elevated and put the cloth to the face for 15 minutes.


Homeopathy offers various remedies which are easy to use, non-toxic, and quickly treat chronic symptoms. You can easily find these remedies online, at natural food stores, and through the local homeopath. The following ones are highly efficient:

Kalium Bichromium: If you feel pressure at the root of the nose and a foul smell or loss of smell; if the symptoms are relieved by warm compresses and worsen from exposure to cold damp air, or if the frontal sinuses are chronically stuffy with constant post nasal drip and/ or nasal obstruction, or you should use kalium bichronium.

Silicea: — It is excellent in the case of hard crusts in the nose which bleed easily, sinus pain over the front and maxillary sinuses, in the case of a nasal obstruction, low of smell, and violent sneezing.

Hydrastis: You should use it when you have a watery acrid discharge that becomes yellow, thick, and a foul smelling, you suffer from severe headaches, post nasal drip, and in the case of constant nose blowing.

Arsenicum Album: It is beneficial in the case of a thin, burning, and watery discharge, when feeling chilly, and when you have a desire for warm drinks and feel anxious and restless.

Mercurius Iodatus: Use it when your nostrils are raw and ulcerated, the nasal discharge is green and tinged with blood, you perspire a lot, and you suffer from extremes of temperatures, especially at night.

Hepar Sulph: It is helpful in the case of irritability, nasal blockages, a sensitivity of the facial bones to touch, a thick, yellow-green, foul smelling discharge, and red, inflamed, swollen nose with burning pain.

Pulsatilla- This remedy should be used when you suffer from the following symptoms: a stuffy nose and loss of smell, dull and heavy frontal and maxillary sinus pressure, with a thick yellow, non-irritating nasal discharge.

Nux Vomica: -It should be used in the case of frontal headaches, stuffed passages, especially at night and outdoors; and when feeling chilly, irritable and bothered by noises and light.
