Stop Buying Avocados. You Can Grow an Avocado in a Small Pot at Home! Here’s How

Must read!

The avocado is one of the staples of modern healthy diets, and due to the countless health effects it offers, it is valued by the entire health-conscious community.

This delicious fruit is rich in vitamins C, K, E, B5, B6, potassium, fiber. Also, it is believed to contain a similar fatty acid, which is known to be “heart healthy”, present in olive oil.

Its popularity is constantly on the rise mostly due to its versatility in the kitchen, it can be added to all kinds of dishes to enrich the color and flavor, and can successfully replace less-healthy choices of the ingredients of a meal.

We give you some good news: you no longer need to buy these fruits, as you can freely grow them at home- in a simple and easy way!

This is all you need to do:
To sprout the avocado seed, you should stick four toothpicks in an avocado seed, and they should be placed at an equal distance, about halfway down from the top.
Put the seed in a cup of water in order to have its dimpled end soaked in an inch of water. Leave it thus for 2-6 weeks in a warm place from direct sunlight.
As soon as the roots and stem sprout, and the stem grows up to 6-inch long, cut it back to 3 inches. Leave the leaves to grow and the roots to thicken.
When it comes to planting, you should fill a 10-inch diameter pot with a soil high in nutrients, and place the seed in a small hole in its center. The roots should rest in the soil, and half of it should be exposed. Use a terra-cotta pot with a hole in the bottom for better drainage.
You should water the seed generously and regularly. If the leaves become droopy or yellow, leave the seed to dry it out, and then go on watering with a smaller amount. If the leaves become dry and brown, you probably do not use enough water, so you should put the pot in a sink and let the water run through it and fully drain it.
You should provide proper care for the avocado tree, and after some time, you will notice the first fruits forming. Enjoy your own avocados and include them into your daily diet!
