Prepare Your Lemons This Way for an Effective Detox

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Based on our modern lifestyle, everybody deserves to know how to properly detoxify their bodies and flush out all those harmful toxins.

Nowadays, everyone is trying to do whatever they can to improve their health. After all, our health is one of the most important investments we will ever make in our lifetime. If you found a new way of doing something that could potentially improve your health in the long run, wouldn’t you at least want to research it a little more and try it to see if it is right for you? Well there is something most likely in your kitchen right this second that you probably did not know could improve your health.

Lemons Anyone?
Since lemons are considered a citrus fruit, they are jam packed with Vitamin C just like how an orange is according to Livestrong. With the holiday seasons coming up, it would probably be a good idea to start stocking up on Vitamin C now before all of the colds start getting passed around. If you are that person who puts a slice of lemon in water every morning when they wake up, you are off to a great start. On the other hand, did you know that freezing your lemons can offer you even more health benefits than just squeezing a little juice in your water each morning?

Freezing Your Lemons
Yes, you read that correctly–freeze your lemons. When you freeze fresh fruits and vegetables, you are locking in their nutritional value present from the day you physically packed them and put them in the freezer. So from that point on, as long as they stay in the freezer, your lemons will still be nutritional and will still provide you with all of the healthy benefits you could ask for. What healthy benefits you might ask?

Prevention of the Big ‘C’
We all hate that word–cancer. All of our lives have been touched in some way or another by it. Chances are, up to this point in your life, you have probably tried everything to prevent yourself from getting that scary word. Well don’t stop now, because lemons can continue you on your path to great health. Lemons contain limonoids, which thwart ER+ and ER- growths of breast cancer cells. Lemons can also help reduce the chances of tumor cell growth in regards to breast cancer. Yes ladies, by eating citrus fruits such as lemons, you can gravely reduce your risk of getting breast cancer. Freezing them will only help you have them readily available even more in the long run.

If you are trying to get rid of all of the toxins lurking around in your body, chances are you were recommended by your physician to do a detox. One key component in detoxing your body is using lemons to aide in the process. The peels alone in this mouth watering fruit offer antimicrobial components to only ward off infections such as fungal and even bacterial. Lemons can also help combat inflammation based on the studies from WebMD. The Vitamin C content will help strengthen your immune system, thus keeping you healthier while everyone else around you is getting sick. Fighting off bacteria hiding in your body will only improve your chances of a successful detoxification.

How Do I Freeze Lemons?
Freezing lemons will keep them at a higher vitamin level readily when you want to reach for one. There are many different ways you can freeze them. One way is you can simply cut the lemons into squares that will fit in your ice cube tray. Another way is to put them in a plastic sandwich bag after you have washed them and peeled them. Whichever way you choose, make sure you are using safe food handling practices by thoroughly washing your lemons to remove any outside harmful bacteria that could have found its way on your lemon during the transit or packaging process at your local grocery store, just like you would do with your other fruits and vegetables. Once you pat them dry, freeze them overnight. Then the next morning, grate the whole lemon, including the seeds, the pulp, and even the peel, and then place in your ice cube trays or even in the sandwich bag. Freeze until you are ready to use them.
