She rubs 3 Tylenol pills in her hair. It might sound strange but wait until you read this!

Excellent alternatives

There are a lot of products that have more than just one single purpose or function. Many people are already familiar with many things that have a dual functionality. But did you know that Tylenol (also known as paracetamol) can do more than just cure headaches? In this article, we’re going to show you everything these little pills can do.

Hair care


Take 3 Tylenol pills and crush them with a mortar and pestle. Now add the powder to shampoo. You can apply the mixture to your scalp as you normally would. Massage the shampoo in well and wash it out with water afterwards. The ingredients in Tylenol work well to prevent dandruff build-up.

In the garden


Since Tylenol hinders the development of mold and ethylene, both a plant’s worst enemies, the medicine can work wonders in your garden. Crush some Tylenol pills, mix them with water and add the whole mixture into a spray bottle. When you spray the mixture on your plants on a regular basis, mold and ethylene won’t be a problem any longer.

Skin care


It’s been shown many times that Tylenol has a calming effect on acne and psoriasis outbreaks. To benefit from this, mix together 5 crushed Tylenol pills with 1/2 cup of lukewarm water. Stir well until everything has dissolved. Now you can apply the mixture to the affected areas of your skin and you’ll soon experience relief.

As washing detergent


It can be very difficult to remove stubborn sweat stains – particularly from white dress shirts. But luckily there’s Tylenol. Crush two tablets and add a little water to them until a paste is created. Rub this paste onto the stains right before you put it in your load of laundry. You’ll love how well this trick works.


This pill is really a jack-of-all-trades. Who would have guessed that there’s so much this pill can do? The next time you go to the pharmacy, you may want to stock up on Tylenol.
