Real miracle!

Moringa has been hailed as a “miracle tree” because it is a significant source of fats, proteins, carotenoids, vitamin C, iron, potassium, and other nutrients.

The flowers, roots, leaves, and bark of the tree have been used as nutritional supplements and are also used in the manufacture of cosmetics, perfumes, and skin oils.

Alongside moringa’s powerful nutritional profile, there exists incredible medicinal potential.

Chemical compounds found in moringa have demonstrated several beneficial biochemical activities, such as combating atherosclerosis andheart disease, boosting the immune system, and have antiviral,antibacterial, antioxidant, and tumor-suppressive effects.

Let’s take a closer look at the health benefits of Moringa and see whether these names are justified.

1. Moringa is rich in fiber and it is said that it works as a mop in your intestines and cleanses any excess waste left over from a greasy diet.

2. It contains powerful antibiotic and highly efficient in eliminating a bacterium known to cause gastritis, ulcers and gastric cancer.

3. The seed of this tree is even found to purify the water, and it does even better than most of the conventional synthetic materials that are being used nowadays.

4. The leaves of Moringa are abundant in vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and much more ingredients. In 100 grams of dry moringa leaves there is:

– 9 times more protein than in yogurt

– 10 times more vitamin A than in carrots

– 15 times more potassium than in bananas

– 17 times more calcium than in milk

– 12 times more vitamin C than in oranges

– 25 times more iron than in spinach

5. The chlorogenic acid present on the leaves is known to slow down the absorption process of sugar in the cells.

6. Moringa have anti-tumor and anti-cancer effects, which is a result of the presence of a compound called niaziminin.

7. Helps in the regulation of the thyroid function, especially when it comes to hyper-active thyroid.

Therefore, Moringa is a highly beneficial plant medicine that deserves a place in everyone’s home pharmacy.
