Acid Reflux Diet: 7 Foods To Eat & Avoid

Prevent a flare-up and treat the symptoms of acid reflux:

Acid reflux, or heartburn, is a burning, intense pain felt around the lower chest area, which occurs as a result of the flowing of stomach acid back up into the food pipe.

If it happens more than twice a week, it is a sign of GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Fortunately, its symptoms can be relieved with the help of dietary modification.

By consuming the following 7 foods, you will prevent a flare-up and treat the symptoms of acid reflux:

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar regulates stomach acid, so you should add a tablespoon to a cup of water and drink it 5 minutes before meals.

  1. Green Leafy Vegetables

They are easily digested and prevent acid reflux.

  1. Kefir

Kefir effectively eases acid reflux symptoms, helps digestion and soothes the digestive tract. For best effects, you should take a kefir with live and active cultures that have been fermented for 24 hours.

  1. Almonds

Almonds skins calm the stomach, boost gut health, and treat indigestion.

  1. Coconut Water

It is loaded with potassium and electrolytes and hydrates the body. You should drink it throughout the entire day and drink one glass at bedtime.

  1. Ginger

It will relieve the symptoms of acid reflux if taken in small doses. You should take a fresh, small cut 1-2 times every day.

  1. Fermented Vegetables

Fermented vegetables contain lactobacillus which prevents heartburn.

Furthermore, there are also foods you need to avoid in order to prevent acid reflux:

  1. Processed Foods

Processed foods are full of corn, salt, and potato, all of which increase the risk of acid reflux.

  1. Mint and Peppermint

These lower the pressure in the esophageal sphincter and thus support the acid rise, and aggravate the symptoms of acid reflux.

  1. Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners

These lead to inflammation in the body and also promote overeating, which has negative effects in this case.

  1. Tomatoes and Onions

Tomatoes and onions worsen the symptoms of acid reflux.

  1. Caffeine

Coffee, energy drinks, and tea also worsen the inflammation of the esophagus and change the way the sphincter works.

  1. Chocolate

It has been found that the limited intake of chocolate improves the symptoms of acid reflux, due to the fact that chocolate products are full of sugar, caffeine, and fats.

  1. Alcohol

You should completely avoid alcohol or limit its use. It is important not to drink it close to bedtime or in a combination with foods that trigger a flare-up.

Moreover, the following tips will be of great help in the treatment of acid reflux:

  • Quit smoking, as it contributes to acid reflux
  • Sleep on your left side
  • Chew the food thoroughly and eat slowly
  • Don’t use drugs for acid reflux too long
  • Exercise regularly
  • Do not wear tight-fitting clothes after meals
  • Try acupuncture to soothe the symptoms
  • Don’t bend over in the case of flare-up as it will aggravate the symptoms
