Young Woman Makes Disastrous Beauty Mistake. Sobbing As She Reveals New Look

As hard as it is, this brave young woman wants to spread the word so others can avoid the same fate.

For most women (and even some men), our hair is our safety blanket and a way for us to express ourselves. Such was the case for blogger and social media star Hannah Forcier.
Hannah would spend her days showing the masses the craziness of her life after moving to Los Angeles. She also willingly shared the occasional beauty tip.

But after a recent hair treatment, Hannah is speaking out. Her long, dyed locks were fried off and now all she’s left with is a short, brown buzz cut.

Sitting before the camera with a hooded sweatshirt and teary eyes, Hannah explain exactly what happened. She wanted to cut down on the heat treatment of her hair – she knew constant blow-drying and flat-ironing was harmful to her long, bleached locks.

So she applied a chemical relaxer treatment for curly hair and waited for the recommended amount of time. But when she jumped in the shower to wash it all off, Hannah realized something was very wrong…

Chunk after chunk of Hannah’s hair started falling out. Hannah panicked and called her roommate into the bathroom, who instructed her to jump back in the shower and make sure all of the product was gone.

After the shower, Hannah’s roommate brushed out all of the burnt hair into the trash can. This was Hannah’s nightmare and it was something she now knows she should’ve avoided.
The box of chemical relaxer clearly stated not to use the product on bleached hair. Hannah missed that warning and applied the relaxer to her hair generously.
While she knows the loss of her hair is temporary, it was a devastating moment in her life. All she can do now is wait it out and be patient.

Listen to Hannah’s emotional video in the video below. One lesson to learn: thoroughly read all labels.
