The 3 Less Known Benefits of Fish Oil

Did you know that Omega 3 deficiency is one of the top 10 causes of death in the United States?

Despite this discouraging index, at present, fish oil is the third most consumed dietary supplement in this country after vitamins and minerals. According to a recent report from the National Institutes of Health, at least 10% of Americans regularly take fish oil.

But it is well known that there is always a lot of confusion about Omega 3 fats and fish oil in general. So in the next article, we will delve into this topic.

Our mission is to inform you the importance of obtaining enough Omega 3 in your diet and additionally give you 3 amazing benefits of your consumption.

All About Balance

The actual cause of the occurrence of premature deaths can be found in an imbalance between Omega 6 and Omega 3 fats. Omega 6 fats are often said to be the bad guys of the game. This is not entirely true, but if you consume them in a large amount without an adequate Omega 3 average, they can cause inflammation in your body.

This inevitably leads to chronic diseases and various forms of the disease.

A time bomb

The ideal ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 should be 2: 1. But if you are on an average Western diet, your ratio is more likely to be 25: 1.

If you are deficient in Omega 3 fats, you may have health problems like asthma, obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and Crohn’s disease.

One of the biggest challenges nowadays is getting enough Omega 3 fats in our diet. Most of these fats are found in fish rich in oil, such as salmon, anchovies, sardines, mackerel, tuna, sturgeon, anchovies, herring, trout, among others.

These fish usually offer about 1 gram of Omega 3 fatty acids every 3.5 ounces of their weight.

Some recommendations:

As for advice we recommend, that if you get to eat a lot of fish, be sure to help your liver in the process of detoxification. The reason for this is that fish has many heavy metals harmful to your health. A great friend for this process is Chlorella, a blue-green alga that has a very high concentration of chlorophyll, which helps in the process of detoxifying our bodies.

Another way to make sure you maintain a healthy balance of Omega 6 and Omega 3 fats is to use supplements in the form of fish or krill oil.

Although it is important to point out that you should avoid killing oil in cases that present shellfish allergy, blood clotting problems, medication with high doses of anticoagulants or aspirins.

Benefits of Fish Oil

1. Healthy skin and hair

The fish oil reduces inflammation and hydrates your skin from the inside out. It prevents wrinkles and works against the aging process. Some say that the best-kept beauty secret is not found in a cosmetic store, rather in the privacy of your home.

Fish oil brings fat-soluble vitamins to the largest organ that has the human body, the skin. For this reason, it is excellent for sunburned skin, with spots or acne.

Supplementing your body with this oil will bring important benefits to your appearances such as having thicker and stronger hair, reducing skin conditions like acne and eczema, and also reduces aging and sunspots.

2. Fertility and pregnancy

Its consumption improves fertility in men and women. It is known to help stimulate ovulation and extends part of the fertility cycle. It is especially important to use during pregnancy.

Fish oil can prevent miscarriage, premature labor and birth defects. Women especially have to choose well the fish they want to consume to prevent mercury from hurting them.

It also balances your hormones, reduces inflammation and regulates your menstrual cycles. If you are one of the girls who have strong cramps during the period or endometriosis, fish oil can help reduce pain and symptoms.

3. Weight loss and mood swings

It is known that fish oil beneficially reduces fat, especially that which is around your abdomen. This is done by enzymes that act directly on the fat. These enzymes destroy the accumulated fat, being evacuated by the people of natural form.

On the other hand, it acts on the production of insulin. The lower the insulin, the less the amount of fat stored in the body. Thus, your body will only take the one it needs for its proper functioning to provide you with the energy necessary to take on your day-to-day life without problems.

Additionally, it will eliminate that feeling of weakening that some people experience when they lose weight. On the other hand, it has been shown to increase the levels of serotonin in your body. Serotonin is the good hormone that improves your mood.

How to take it?

We recommend the minimum consumption of 1000 mg of high-quality fish oil per day. Ideally, you can combine it with potent antioxidants like Astaxanthins that help stabilize the oil so it does not turn stale.

Omega3 fats are polyunsaturated fats, which means that their heat threshold is very low and can easily oxidize. Therefore, always be sure to store it in a dark container in the refrigerator and consume it within 40 days.

How to choose the right oil?

This is the tricky part, with lots of different products in the markets. What is the correct (and safe) to take?

The International Fish Oil Standards Program (IFOS) is the only third-party testing and certification program for fish oils. IFOS sets the highest standards in the world for purity, potency, and freshness, so you can rely entirely on food certified by them. Before you buy, make sure your product is safe.
