5 Healthy Foods That Are Worth Spending Money For

Good to know!

It is difficult to have the necessary capital to buy everything organic for your kitchen. When your account is at zero, you must prioritize expenses. Although this is not an excuse for healthy eating, many of these foods are highly expensive. Then you wonder if it’s worth spending money on these foods. The variety of high-quality foods that you can use is great and the way to get them too.

You must bear in mind that the qualities of these foods are much greater than the rest. Its taste, smell, texture, appearance, and shape are different and shower. In addition to providing your body with better nutrients.

Food, in general, suffers the ravages of pollutants. But high-quality foods are more expensive because they are better cared for. To dissipate your doubts, we will show you 5 foods that bring many benefits to your health that justify their price.

The most recommended high-quality foods:

1. Chickens’ eggs:

They are a little more expensive than normal eggs. Their reason is that they are organic farm eggs that are laid by healthy chickens. Most chickens are enclosed in small cages. They are not exposed to injections of growth hormones. Your food is not full of GMO grains.

But these roam a perfect environment, have a natural and nutritious diet. What makes
their eggs the best option for being healthier. These hens produce eggs
higher in Omega-3 and a greater amount of proteins.

2. Avocados and avocado oil.

With avocado fever, this fruit is having its moment of fame. They are not the cheapest
option for high-quality food. But in them, you will find the greatest amount of fat not harmful to your heart among all the foods. In addition to that, your intake can help you lose weight. They are one of the healthiest foods that exist. So it’s really worth spending money on them.

You can extract the avocado oil from the pulp of the fruit. It has the same health
benefits, but you can use it in different ways. It is more expensive than the fruit itself, but test its effects and draw your own conclusions.

3. Matcha green tea

It is a very special Japanese process where the traditional green tea leaves are powdered. Unlike conventional tea where you should boil the leaves and then take the resulting infusion. In powder, you can directly drink the leaves and with them all the Properties.

It is much more expensive than normal green tea, but it will not be a poorly spent money. The consumption of matcha green tea gives you extra protection against cancer. It manages to keep the skin radiant and using it in a certain way, it can help you lose weight. The bad thing, if you consider it, is that it has much more caffeine than traditional green tea. Take it in moderation.

4. Naturally sourdough bread

If you are used to the bread sold in a standard store, you will think that the bread does not have any flavor. But after you try a handmade bread and organic step, you will not buy the conventional one again. They are full of flavor and are much healthier.

The fermented dough possesses a unique flavor, in addition to having more nutrients, fiber and probiotics than normal bread.

This type of bread requires much more cooking time and its preparation is more complex. Therefore, its price is not very pleasant for your pocket. However, when you try it, it will be difficult for you to turn back and justify its price.

On the other hand, if it is difficult for you to digest the processed bread, the sourdough bread is easier to do. The best way to enjoy this food is slicing it with a few slices of avocado a free-range egg. It will be an elegant and healthy food.

5. Fish caught by hand

Fish is one of the best quality protein sources of meat. Even better, because the meat is difficult to process and does not have Omega -3.

Unfortunately, if you are not eating naturally caught fish, you probably also eat mercury.

It is proven that animals raised in their natural habitat are healthier than those bred in captivity. Applies to all animals. These fish have less harmful fats for the body, more omega-3 and better quality proteins than other fish.

An example of this is the salmon caught in Alaska. They do not have mercury, unlike the cultivated one. These types of fish are more expensive, but they are safer and healthier. It is a high-quality food that you can not stop buying.

Benefits of quality food

In general, high-quality foods are usually organic. They do not have chemicals, they are not genetically altered and they are not infested with fertilizers. These foods are difficult to maintain, but their quality and price are always worth it.

Its most outstanding benefits are:

They have many more nutrients: they have 50% more antioxidants than processed ones. Helping us to develop a strong immune system and thus preventing many serious diseases. If you consume these types of foods you are less likely to suffer from overweight.

They taste much better: you will enjoy richer and more intense flavors than processed
foods. The latter have certain genetic modifications to have a better duration, this diminishes its flavor.

They are safe: processed foods take longer to get messed up. This is not healthy because they do not expel the bacteria that cause the decomposition. If you consume unprocessed foods you will not be prone to suffer from allergies or damage your immune system.

Help with the care of the environment: pesticides and other chemicals used to treat processed foods pollute and damage the environment. If you opt for agriculture and natural livestock you will be contributing a grain of sand to save our planet.

In short, scheduling your expenses to buy the greatest amount of quality food brings you many more advantages than disadvantages. We invite you to start little by little until you can adapt completely.
