Scarlet Fever Returns and Here Are the Warning Signs You Must Know

This is important!

When your child is ill, you do whatever it takes to find the solution and see them healthy again. One illness that affects primarily children between the age of 5 and 15 is the Scarlet Fever. It is characterized by itch, rash, and sore throat.

This infection was more common in the past, but thanks to modern antibiotics, it has become less threatening. However, it seems the cases of Scarlet Fever has increased again since 2015, due to a new aggressive strain.

How It Develops
The same bacteria that causes strep throat, Streptococcus, secretes a toxin in children. So, those who are prone to Streptococcus bacteria will likely get Scarlet Fever.

The consequences are a sunburn-like rash on their neck, chest, back, and face, except the area around the mouth.

After 6 days, the affected skin begins to peel off. Here are some other symptoms.

Signs of Scarlet Fever
High fever (101°F)
Red rash
Sore throat
Flushed face
Itchy skin
Abdominal pain
Swollen neck glands
What to Do When Your Child Has Scarlet Fever

First, make sure your child stays home and avoids friends and siblings since this infection is contagious. Separate the cutlery they use as well as their toothbrush from the rest of the family members.

Scarlet Fever usually requires ten-day treatment with antibiotics. Even though your child could improve sooner than that, don’t stop giving them the medication. Also, don’t send them back to school until there are 24 hours since their symptoms have passed.

Addressing the bacteria is highly important, as it can cause complications linked to kidneys, heart, and other organs, if left untreated.

How to Treat Scarlet Fever Symptoms
Before deciding to give your child dangerous painkillers, here are some natural remedies that will help relieve their unpleasant Scarlet Fever symptoms.

Warm some apple cider vinegar and add a bit of cayenne pepper. This will help heal your child’s sore throat. The acetic acid in this vinegar can treat infections related to burns as well. Reduce the Scarlet Fever rash by applying some vinegar using a cotton cloth.
Add raspberry leaves, mint, and raw honey to hot water, and drink twice a day to treat a sore throat
Dry air can further irritate your child’s sore throat, so use water vapor and humidifiers to avoid that. Also, you can add lavender or other essential oil to reduce their throat inflammation
Linalool in lavender oil helps moisturize the dry and itchy Scarlet Fever rash. So, use it with almond, olive or another carrier oil to reduce the rash
Make sure you clip your child’s fingernails to prevent from damaging their skin even more when itching it
Give them warm fluids like soups and honey-lemon tea, as well as soft foods to boost their immunity and speed up the recovery process
Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids since hydration is an important part of the recovery process. Also, it helps treat scratchy or hoarse throat
Don’t smoke or use cleaning products full of chemicals around your child
Final Words
When treating your child with Scarlet Fever or any other illness, it’s not enough to just follow their doctor’s advice.

You should also pay attention to your child’s condition at every moment, and follow the above-listed advice.
