Eliminate All Poisons From Your Body in 48 Hours: A Weekend Detoxification Diet Plan

When you are full of toxins, you become susceptible to flues and viruses!

You may need to detoxify your body if you get tired easily and your skin doesn’t look bright and radiant.

Your body can be ravaged by infections easily when you have toxins in your body. The common cold, coughs and flu can easily affect you because of these harmful toxins.

It is important that for you to avoid an accumulation of harmful toxins in your body you will need to change certain eating habits and make lifestyle choices.

In detoxifying your body you will cleanse vital organs such as your kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and liver.

A dietary detox plan will consist of lots of water, potatoes and low fat food and you should try it out twice every year for a duration of 10 days each time.

Alternatively you can adopt a weekend detox dietary plan which can run through the year. You will also need to engage in regular exercising as well in order to have a holistic health plan in place.

Here is a weekend dietary detox plan you can try out today

  • On Saturday

For Breakfast:

Consume a cup of oat flakes in 250 ml warm water with the following add-ons: 6.7 oz of almond milk or yogurt, a teaspoon of linseed oil and 1/2 cup of fresh grained blueberries if available.

For Lunch:

You should have the following;

Potatoes with Swiss chard and olive oil. Grilled hake about 250 grams, melon (1 slice), banana, about 250 ml of water and salad consisting of green, tomato and arugula.

As A Snack:

Have the following; 250 ml water, one apple, 180 ml of yogurt and pumpkin seeds of a 1/4 cup.

For Dinner:

You can have 250 ml of water, salad consisting of olive oil and lemon juice, some veggie that you can steam, try broccoli or spinach and barbecue grilled tuna.

  • On Sunday

For Breakfast:

You can have one cup of oat flakes, diet yogurt or almond milk of about 200 ml, green tea, one teaspoon of linseed oil and pear.

For Lunch:

You can try out potato, grilled chicken breasts about 200 grams, veggie soup, pickle of about 150 grams and water of about 250 ml.

For Dinner:

You can have a salad consisting of beet, pastry and carrots. Drink nettle tea and lemon juice as well.
