Woman Calls Out for “Little Girl,” Unexpected Friend Shows Up (Video)

A woman yelled out the words “little girl” when she was in the forest. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw what came running towards her.

A woman who is friends with forest animals has been likened to a real-life Disney princess (video below).

Every morning, a long-haired woman stands outside her door and calls out, “Little girl!” The “girl” isn’t human at all but a deer, reports Newsiosity.

“Here she comes,” the unnamed woman says in a video.

The video shows the deer run toward the woman to greet her, then jump up and try to kiss the woman.

“Snow White” greets the deer with: “Good morning! How’s my baby?”

Then the animal actually follows the woman through her garage and into her kitchen to eat breakfast.

While in the kitchen, “Snow White” prepares a bottle for the deer, shaking up some kind of milk formula.

The animal seems eager and aware of the treat it’s about to receive. After the deer quickly gobbles up the milk, the woman wipes its snout with a napkin.

Footage of the “deer whisperer” was posted to YouTube and has received more than 5.6 million views.

“Oh am gee, it’s so cute! I want a deer now! It’s like living in a fairy tale,” one YouTube user commented.

Another person wrote, “I was more impressed by the deer mommy than the actual fawn.”

“You can feed me milk any time m’lady,” wrote another user.

A hunter even added his two cents:

After reading some of the comments, I feel compelled to add my own. While it is true that her feeding this fawn will indeed make it somewhat dependent on her, the chance of that harming the deer would be slight. The bigger danger for it, and one that bothers me much more, is conditioning it to not be afraid of humans. There are some (not all, don’t flame me) deer hunters that would love to fill a doe tag by having one walk up to him so he could cut its throat.

The deer reportedly shows up for lunch and dinner too.

