After being married for 77 years, these love birds drift off to heaven holding hands

So sweet...

A very emotional story of how true love should look has recently circulated the world. In a heartbreaking post followed by a photograph, a sad granddaughter shared that her 100 years old grandfather and 96 years old grandmother had passed away hand in hand.

The photo went viral in less than no time, showing the world how ‘til death do us part’ genuinely looks. It was first published on Reddit by a user signed RealLiveGirl, but it became popular on all social networks, including Pinterest and Facebook.

As you can see on the picture, the couple lies tightly adjacent and holds hands while dying in their sleep. According to the sad granddaughter, seeing them in such condition was both devastating and approving of the fact that real love exists.

Millions of users agreed with her, as the photo currently has 5000 likes and more than 1400 comments.

CramPacked, one of the Reddit users who expressed their condolences, shared his opinion that there was no better way than to leave the world.

Holding the hands of loved people in a warm hug must have helped both leave the world in peace. This story also motivated people to share thousands of similar tales from their own environment.

RealLiveGirl also shared with the world how she had been raised by these people, and still lived with them up to date. They were born in the same month and had spent almost all of their lives together (ever since they were 16), always there to support her most important decisions such as going to college.

As she further explains, they were afraid of mortality only because of how much they loved her and cared what was about to happen with her, but she hopes they will lead her way wherever they are. Having the photo she made will be the dearest memory she has.

Iosmescaleros liked what she wrote, and commented that he was also in a similar situation, and never appreciated the love and support by his grandfather until he lost him.

He hopes that everyone out there will understand how much it means to have grandparents who are safe and healthy, and show them how much he loves them while he still can.

Alongside positive comments, the granddaughter reports having received plenty of negative email from people who believe sharing such a photo is not appropriate.

In most cases, however, she thanked people for their concern, but disagreed to change her decision of making the photo public. According to her, she was sending the world an inspiring message of what it meant to grow old together.
