Get rid of sinus infection with natural home remedies

Helpful information!

Sinusitis is a condition that manifests with an inflammation or swelling of the tissue coating the sinuses.

The major sings of sinusitis are the following ones:
– Runny nose
– Loss of the sense for smell
– Ache or pressure in the face
– Stuffed-up nose
– Cough or congestion
– Fever

Natural home remedies for treating sinusitis:

Saline water
Start by adding ¼ teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Stir the mixture well until the salt melts and transfer it in a spray bottle.
After that, lie down and lean your head up. Tip three drops of the mixture in every nostril and remain like that for few seconds. Repeat the procedure two times a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Put two tbsp-s of apple cider vinegar in a cup of hot water. Drink this mixture 3 times during the day. This will assist you dilute unnecessary mucus from the nose and heal the infection

Extract of grapefruit seed
Grapefruit seed extract has powerful antiviral characteristics. This extract is great in taking care of sinus infections. Grapefruit seed extract is suggested to be used as a nasal spray, 4 times during the day.

Ginger and Turmeric
The mix of ginger and turmeric is excellent for sinusitis. Boil five pieces of ginger and five pieces of turmeric root. Cover up your head using a kitchen towel and take deep breaths over the steam for two minutes. Go over this two times a day.

Lemon Juice
Lemon has a high amount of vitamin C. This vitamin improves our immune system and aids us battle infections. In case you go through sinusitis, consume it frequently to take care of the infection

Slice one lemon and squeeze the juice. Combine the juice it with a cup of warm water and add a teaspoon of honey. Consume this drink two times a day for a period of 1 week and you will notice the positive outcomes
