This Fruit Kills Diabetes And Stops Breast Cancer Cells From Growing And Spreading

Great healing benefits!

Apparently, the bitter melon is one of the most beneficial fruits on the planet, and its potent medicinal properties have been valued and used in the East for centuries.

This amazing fruit has been traditionally used to treat a wide range of uses, like fever, diarrhea, malaria, kidney stones, high blood pressure, painful menstruation, skin infections, colic, glaucoma, stomach cramps, high cholesterol levels, and hemorrhoids.

It is a rich source of proteins, acids, peptides, alkaloids, glycoside, momordine, cucurbitins, charantin, cucurbitacins, and momorcharins.

It is believed that the primary components in charge of the hypoglycemic properties include charantin, momordicin, cucurbutanoids, and oleanolic acids.

Recently, scientists have found that bitter melons have potent hypoglycaemic and anticancer properties.

A research conducted at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research and the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica has shown that this incredible fruit is effective in treating type 2 diabetes.

It has certain chemical compounds which activate AMPK which stimulates the movement of glucose transporters to the cells’ surface. “More transporters on cells’ surfaces increase the uptake of glucose from circulation in the blood into tissues of the body, such as muscle, thus lowering blood sugar levels.”

The Journal of Ethnopharmacology published the findings of researchers, indicating that, “Bitter melon had a modest hypoglycemic effect and significantly reduced fructosamine levels from the baseline among patients with type-2 diabetes who received 2,000 mg/day. However, the hypoglycemic effect of bitter melon was less than metformin at 1,000 mg/day.”

Furthermore,  the newest study done at the Saint Louis University scientists showed that bitter melon extract triggers a chain of events on a cellular level which inhibit the multiplication of breast cancer cells and destroys them at the same time.

The lead researcher stated that “bitter melon extract modulates several signal transduction pathways, which induces breast cancer cell death. This extract can be utilized as a dietary supplement for the prevention of breast cancer.”

This beneficial fruit may be consumed raw, added to your favorite smoothies, or drank as a drink. You can also take the bitter melon extract, which can be purchased as a herbal supplement in healthy food stores.
