Bloated? Anxious? Nobody Told You These 5 Essential Oils Can Help Reset Your Hormones

Some studies claim that 20 million people around the world suffer from thyroid issues.

Human body hormones are of significant importance for our overall health. Estrogen is a female hormone needed for the development of the secondary female properties during puberty, and regulation of the menstrual cycle the body of a woman.

Nowadays, many people experience hormonal imbalances as a result of unhealthy diet, chronic stress, pesticides, and pollutants.

In the case of hormonal imbalances, you may experience thyroid problems, estrogen dominance, and adrenal fatigue.

Thyroid Problems

The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones that are transferred to every tissue in our body through the blood. This means that it is of significant importance for the proper function of various organs in the body.

Some studies claim that 20 million people around the world suffer from thyroid issues.

This type of disease can come in many forms, including hyperthyroidism which is excessive activity of thyroid gland, and also hypothyroidism that is reduced activity of thyroid gland

Hyperthyroidism – Symptoms

  • Troubled sleeping, restlessness, anxiety
  • Profuse sweating and head intolerance
  • Weight loss even when your appetite is increased

Hypothyroidism – Symptoms

  • Slow heartbeat
  • Muscular weakness and constant fatigue
  • Cold intolerance

Most people treat their symptoms with prescription medications. However, these medications provide only short-term effects and can cause various side effects.

Hence, avoid these medications and start using completely natural remedies. For instance, you can try these essential oils that provide many health benefits and are completely safe to use.

Adrenal Fatigues

Fatigues occur as a result of stress. When our body is constantly exposed to exhaustion and stressful situations, this damages the adrenal cortex and results in Addison’s disease.


  • Joint aches and pains
  • Depression
  • Low blood sugar levels
  • Low blood pressure

Estrogen Dominance

This occurs when there are increased levels of estrogen and small amounts of progesterone in our body

Excessive levels of estrogen lead to:

  • Loss of libido
  • Breast tenderness
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • PMS
  • Water retention

If you experience some of these symptoms, make sure to consult your doctor and start using these 5 essential oils.

5 Essential Oils That Can Help Reset Your Hormones

1. Licorice oil

It possesses potent antidepressant properties and can treat estrogen dominance, adrenal fatigue and thyroid disorders.

For many years, this oil has been used in the Chinese medicine to boost the metabolism and treat Addison’s disease. It is recommended to rub a few drops on your palms and inhale to boost your mood.

2. Basil oil

When it comes to relieving the symptoms of stress, this oil can provide even better results than the placebo drugs.

It can effectively treat anxiety and exhaustion. To regulate your hormones, rub a few drops of this oil on the ear’s adrenal gland point, or your forearm.

3. Myrtle oil

Myrtle oil can regulate the imbalances, treat the lower thyroid or ovary imbalance, and improve the function of your thyroid. Rub a few drops of the oil to the main thyroid points on the body.

4. Clary sage oil

It has the ability to balance the hormones and relieve PMS symptoms. Just add a few drops in your bath and you will significantly relieve the PMS pain.

5. Lavender oil

Increased stress levels can reduce the quality of your sleep and lead to a sleepless night. This oil can help you to improve your sleep. It boosts circulation and relaxes your body.

It can be used for treating the symptoms of estrogen imbalance and adrenal fatigue. Just add a few drops on your pillow before going to sleep.
