Early signs that cancer is growing in your body!

Pay attention!

Besides doing regular tests you should be really paying attention to the strange things that are happening with your body. Things that are unexplainable, or they were not on your body previously are signals that your body is sending to you that you should not ignore. That way you will provide yourself the best protection from cancer.

Signals that are commonly overlooked are:

1. Difficulty swallowing – linked with esophageal or throat cancer, and in rare cases with lung cancer as well.

2. Chronic cough or chest pain – linked with lung tumors and leukemia

3. Wheezing or shortness of breath – the major sign of lung cancer

4. Frequent fevers or infections – linked with leukemia

5. Nipple changes – linked with breast cancer, the biggest threat to women

6. Changes in nails – if there are brown or black streak or dot under the nail that it might be skin cancer. Pale or white nails can indicate liver cancer and newly discovered ‘’clubbing’’ (enlargement of the ends of the fingers with nails that curve down over the tips) can be lung cancer.

7. Unusually heavy or painful periods or bleeding between periods – linked with uterine cancer

8. Pain in the back or lower right side – linked with liver cancer and breast cancer

9. Swelling of facial features – linked with lung cancer

10. Sore or skin lump that does not go away or it becomes crusty or bleeds easily – linked with skin cancer

11. Swollen lymph nodes or lumps on the neck, underarm or groin – changes in lymphatic system can be indicator for cancer

12. Weakness and fatigue – indicator for different kind of cancer and it should not be ignored

13. Excessive bruising or bleeding that doesn’t stop –linked with leukemia

14. Bloating or abdominal weight gain – linked with ovarian cancer

15. Feeling full and unable to eat – another sign that can be indicator for ovarian cancer

16. Pelvic or abdominal pain – linked with ovarian cancer and leukemia

17. Unexplained weight loss – early sign of colon and other digestive cancer, it can be a sign that a cancer is spreading to the liver.

18. Stomachache or upset stomach – indicating colorectal cancer

19. Rectal bleeding or blood in stool – indicating colorectal cancer

20.Red, sore or swollen breast – breast cancer.

No matter if you are man or woman you should pay attention to all the signs that your body is sending to you. It can be something unexplained happening on your body or it can affect your energy levels. If you notice some of the signs you should immediately visit a doctor because you never know what is behind those symptoms. And the earlier you discovered that you have a cancer, the higher are the chances for you to survive.

There is not actual cure for cancer, but you can stop it with controlling the growth and the spreading of it since it is a disease that is characterized with uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.

You should start with changing your lifestyle. You will prevent cancer if you eat healthy, exercise, you are sleeping and resting enough, you have enough sun exposure and you control your emotions and stress.

You should understand that many types of cancer can be treated without going to any kind of treatments such as surgeries, chemotherapies and radiations. All those treatments are really risky and plus really expensive.

It was proved that people are more likely to die from the cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, then from this disease.

The number of people diagnosed with any type of cancer is increasing from year to year. In 2009 in US there were 1.5 million new cases of cancer. In US nearly one out of four deaths is caused by cancer, which means that there are around 1,500 people that die from cancer daily.

The biggest causes of cancer are obesity and overweight, physical inactivity and poor nutrition. Also the cause of cancer can be lack of vitamin D from sun exposure in some cases.

If you unfortunately are diagnosed with cancer, you should not panic, but you should be strong and to open your mind right away so you can cure it. Many people are choosing treatments like chemotherapy because they think that that is the only treatment. But that is wrong, there are safer and natural options, and you might have one of them right now in your home – baking soda.

Baking soda can kill the cancer cells without any side effects, and chemotherapy has side effects. Baking soda is so effective when it comes to cancer, and you might ask yourself – if that is true why no one is promoting baking soda? Well today everything is about the money, baking soda is a cheap product and everyone can buy it from almost any store, which means no one will have profit from it, like there is profit from the treatments like chemotherapy.

With using a local infiltration device (catheter) and with that to deliver the sodium bicarbonate directly to the infected site in your breast tissue or bladder can heal cancer in just six days, without going to treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

Many cancer patients are vitamin D deficient, because calcitriol (the activated form of vitamin D) is protecting against cancer with inducing cell differentiation and controlling cell proliferation. And people with low vitamin D will be less able to make activated vitamin D in that amount where it can protect against cancer.

Here are some tips that can help you to reduce the risk of cancer:

1. Exercise regularly.

2. Sleep enough.

3. Normalize your vitamin D levels with getting enough sunlight exposure, or with supplementation.

4. You should control your fasting insulin and leptin levels.

5. Boil, poach or steam your food instead of frying it or charbroiling it.

6. You should eat at least one-third of your food raw.

7. You should reduce the exposure to environmental toxins such as household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners, air pollution and pesticides.

8. You should limit the exposure from radiation and to get protection from the radiation from your cell phones, base stations, or WiFi stations.

9. You should eliminate processed foods, sugars and grain carbohydrates from your diet.

10. You should eat according to your nutritional type.

11. You should have a tool to permanently reprogram the neurological short-circuiting that can activate cancer genes, such as Meridian Tapping Technique.

12. With taking high-quality animal-based omega-3 fat you will normalize your ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats.
