Top 5 home remedies to remove skin tags – video

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At certain age in life we have skin issues and problems like skin tags, moles, warts and big pores and blackheads too. They are mostly due to hormones imbalance and unhealthy lifestyle.

No doubt, we have on the market many skin cosmetics and products for this that clear up the skin and make it glowing. But, not many are effective and they are not cheap.

So to avoid these chemical cosmetics and save money, you can use natural ways. They are homemade, healthy and effective and give good results. They also make skin far better than before.

Skin tags are small, benign, skin growths, which appear quite common, mostly on the eyelids, armpits, neck, under the breasts and armpits. Even though they are harmless, skin tags look unattractive, but fortunately, they can be easily eliminated in a completely safe and natural way.

The following offers 5 ways to get rid of skin tags in a quick and effective way, using natural ingredients only:

Apple Cider Vinegar + Cotton Ball
1 teaspoon Baking Soda + 1.5 tsp Castor Oil
2-3 Drops Of Tea Tree Oil + 4-5 teaspoons Cold Water
Nail Polish
Lemon Juice

Watch out the video below and find your favorite remedy to remove skin tags:
