Mom Watches Cheerleader Daughter From Stands, Suddenly Young Man Hops Fence And Runs At Her

Everyone watching gasped when they realized what he intended to do.

When a parent is serving in the Army, many miles away from his or her family, it can be hard for everyone. There is no question their kids miss their parents greatly and wish they would be able to make it home for dinner every night.
They especially miss their Army parent when they aren’t able to make it to important school events. That absence is felt even more so at those heartbreaking times.

Children of military families are taught that what their parent is doing is crucial to maintain the freedoms that Americans enjoy. They are educated about how important their parent’s job is to protect others overseas, wherever they may be stationed.
But that still doesn’t always ease the trepidation and sadness when a loved one is gone. Birthdays, Christmases, school concerts and games, even the joyous birth of a child can all be missed when a parent is serving far away from home.

So when nine-year-old Addie Rodriguez was cheering on the sideline at Central Catholic High School in San Antonio, Texas, she was devastated that her dad wasn’t there. Addie belonged to a youth cheer team and she loved it very much.
They were being allowed to cheer on the sidelines and it was a big deal. For this performance, her cheer team had incorporated the dads of the cheerleaders into one of their routines.

In the routine, the dads would lift their daughters up on their shoulders. Since Addie’s father, Senior Airman Michael Locklear, is an active military member and has served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, he was unable to make it to Addie’s performance.
He had been deployed to California the day before. Addie felt his absence at that moment.

While Addie’s mom was sitting up in the stands, watching Addie’s every move, she noticed that Addie was struggling. She was the only cheerleader there without a dad.
But while Addie and her team were performing, one unsuspecting person noticed that Addie’s dad wasn’t there to lift her up. That’s when he jumps over the stadium’s gate and onto the field!

People were shocked by what this young man did next! Watch the video and see what this stranger did for Addie during her cheerleading performance!
