Goodbye cholesterol, blood glucose, lipids and triglycerides

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Several months ago, a student was actually confused when his professor showed him the results of all blood parameters of a patient. He was shocked as the levels of his lipids, cholesterol, blood glucose, triglycerides and urea, were extremely high. The student could not believe that someone can actually live in such a body condition.

When the professor handed him the second results, the student saw that actually, the patient was his professor!

Yet, this sheet analysis showed completely different situation. “Just take a look at this and compare the numbers of the parameters and check the dates on both sheets” – the professor advised.

The blood was found to be perfect, all results were in the recommended, healthy range, and it seemed that the professor was entirely healthy.

The last shock was when the student saw that the difference between the dates of the examinations was only a month!

The student was left puzzled, so his professor explained that this change was due to his own doctor, who suggested a treatment from a close friend of his. This treatment was to be repeated several times, and the results were brilliant!

The professor also added that it should be repeated it once annually, in order to control the condition, and if they discover a tendency to breakdown, he should do the whole treatment once more.

This is the secret that saved the professor’s health:
You should buy a raw pumpkin and peel 100 – 120 grams of it. The, place them in a blender and add some water. Blend until you get a homogeneous mixture.

This smoothie should be consumed regularly for a month. You should drink it 20 minutes before your breakfast, on a daily basis.

Remember to analyze your cholesterol and blood before, and after the treatment. This procedure is completely safe and has no side-effects, as it includes only a raw, natural vegetable and water.

The professor, who was a well-known chemical engineer, examined the pumpkin and its properties, and found that some compounds in it are able to eliminate LDL cholesterol from the arteries, through the urine, and it also provided energy and cleansed the arteries.
