This Syrup Will Stop a Cough Dead in its Tracks – Ginger Thyme Cough Syrup

Not only is effective and safe to use, it is cost-effective and available year round too.

Coughing is a reflex which keeps both the airways and the throat clear. While it can be quite annoying, coughing basically helps the body protect and heal itself.  Coughs are divided into two groups: acute and chronic.

The first type starts out of the blue and typically lasts for no more than two to three weeks.  The latter is the kind of a cough we get with the flu, cold, or acute bronchitis and last longer than three weeks.  The most common causes of this type of a cough include asthma, allergies, chronic bronchitis, throat disorders, GERD, COPD, and smoking.

Even medications like certain drugs for hypertension and allergies can cause a chronic cough.

Most of the time, people can treat their coughs at home by taking cough lozenges and over-the-counter medicine.  In fact, just standing in a steamy shower and removing potential allergens can help, says Giselle Mosnaim, an allergist, and immunologist at Rush.

Unfortunately, staying away from potential allergens and taking a steamy shower is insufficient in many instances. What`s more, when taking cough and cold medication, it is always wise to know the potential side effects prior taking it.  Some of the most common includes slowed breathing, confusion, dizziness, shakiness, and blurred vision.

So, what option you are left with then? What remedy is completely safe to use, yet so effective that it stops a cough dead in its tracks? The key lies in something as simple and cheap as THYME.

Thyme is a potent and extremely effective disinfectant which can be used both externally and internally to combat an infection.  It is undoubtedly one of the best herbal cold remedies, typically used to prevent infections and as a rinse to treat oral infections and sore throat.

It is an officially approved cough treatment and a remedy for upper respiratory infections, whooping, cough, and bronchitis.  Its leaves are abundant in with cough-suppressant compounds while its flavonoids relax the tracheal and ileal muscles.

Thyme also makes a fine tea for treating chest complaints and coughs and is used in various antifungal remedies. It is packed with antioxidants and has a tonic effect, supporting body functions.

Ginger-Thyme Cough Syrup


  • 2 handfuls fresh thyme
  • 1 knuckle of ginger minced
  • 1 1/2 cups of Water
  • 3/4 cup raw local Honey


  • Put the thyme and ginger in a pot
  • Pour the water, bring to a boil, and then simmer for a few minutes
  • Stir in the honey and allow the syrup to rest for half an hour/ hour
  • Strain, let it cool and bottle the syrup
  • Refrigerate!


  • Adults 3-5 tablespoons a day
  • Children 3-5 teaspoons a day

The next time you have that tickle in the throat that you cannot clear up, turn to thyme! This very old, yet medically revered remedy indeed works wonders and will stop your cough in its tracks in no time. Not only is effective and safe to use, it is cost-effective and available year round too.
