Old Man Sees Homeless People Freezing Outside & Inspires Neighbors To Take Action.

This is the best idea ever!

The Christmas season is all about giving!

One elderly man in northwest Pennsylvania has found a wonderful way to give back to the needy in his community. After one of his neighbors shared the story on Reddit, here’s hoping that even more people will take his great idea and do something similar in their own communities!

Every year, this man puts up a tree outside of his home. Instead of decorating the tree with lights, tinsel, and ornaments, the man adorns it with bags and bags of essential items that those who are less fortunate might need, but can’t afford. The tree contains new shoes, warm clothings, personal hygiene items, and countless other comfort items.

He invites people who need these items to come and help themselves, never asking for anything in return.

Perhaps even more noteworthy is the fact that no one steals these items. Would-be Grinches seem to recognize the good will behind the gifts, so the tree is off-limits.

And his kind act has certainly inspired those who have seen it.

This is the kind of selfless act that brings joy to all who encounter it. The man obviously derives pleasure from the act of shopping for presents for others. Knowing that he is helping people have a happy Christmas must warm his heart!

What a wonderful tradition. Please share this story to spread this amazing idea so everyone can care for the less fortunate in their own neighborhoods!
