6 Foods That Fight Inflammation & Help You Lose Weight

The following 6 anti-inflammatory foods will prevent inflammation and improve your overall health.

Inflammation is the mechanism of the body to protect itself from even more serious damage. In the case of an injury or sickness, the body uses white blood cells which reach the affected areas and boost blood flow.  This, in turn, leads to redness, heat, swelling, and even pain.

Therefore, inflammation is a normal response of the immune system in the healing process in a healthy body.

Yet, if the immune system overreacts, it might start attacking its own healthy cells, like in the case of celiac disease, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and irritable bowel disease.

Inflammation might also aggravate the symptoms of other illnesses, like impacting insulin resistance in diabetics, and creating inflamed airways in the case of asthma.

If you start avoiding processed foods and focus on fresh fruits, vegetables and omega-3 foods. These foods will supply the body with the needed antioxidants, minerals, and essential fatty acids that support overall health and boost immunity.

The following 6 anti-inflammatory foods will prevent inflammation and improve your overall health. Moreover, they will also help weight loss:

  1. Turmeric

Its active ingredient, curcumin, is even more effective than popular anti-inflammatory drugs, like aspirin and ibuprofen, and it has been proven to quickly battle inflammation.

  1. Pineapple

Bromelain, the enzyme in pineapples, treats inflammation and prevents blood clotting. It also regulates the immune response, which prevents inflammation.

  1. Green Tea

The powerful anti-inflammatory properties of this tea are due to the high antioxidant content. It contains a polyphenol known as epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG, which prevents cellular damage, free radical damage, and reducing the overproduction of inflammatory substances in the body.

  1. Beets

The antioxidants in beets repair cell damage due to inflammation. One of them, betalain, which gives the vibrant color of beets, is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Beets are also high in magnesium, which is often scarce in people who suffer from inflammatory conditions.

  1. Blueberries

Blueberries are rich in the strong antioxidant quercetin, a flavonoid which prevents oxidative stress and inflammation.

  1. Dark, Leafy Greens

These vegetables are abundant in minerals and vitamins, like iron, calcium, and phytochemicals, which fight illnesses. The fiber they contain also reduces inflammation.

Source: www.davidwolfe.com