The 1 Reason Why Police Are Warning Women To Carry A Carabiner On Their Purse

Did you have any idea? This is so important to know.

Even though Christmas has passed, there are actually plenty of shopping days left. The half-off sales that start the day after Christmas means there’s more time to shop for bargains, and it’s the perfect time to start stockpiling next year’s gifts.

Unfortunately, the extended shopping season comes with an unexpected cost – it creates plenty of extra opportunities for thugs to take off with your goodies! Women are particularly easy targets, since we carry purses that can be snatched by thieves.

If you want your valuables to stay out of the wrong hands, then the New Hampshire Police Department says that you should carry one simple little tool with you at all times. Luckily, this holiday tip will work anytime you go shopping, including during those impulsive trips to Target.

The holidays are supposed to be the season of giving, but you don’t want to open up your coffer to just anyone. Yet, that’s exactly what you’re doing every time you plop your purse into the front of your shopping cart.

All it takes is one second for a thief to make themselves very merry at your expense. But, if your cart comes with a child-safety strap, you can use that to keep your purse locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

“A holiday shopping safety tip for women. When using a shopping cart as you browse through the store, keep your purse zipped or closed and secure it to the cart by clipping the child safety belt through the strap(s).”
Securing your purse like this helps prevent others from taking advantage of your distraction and running off with your wallet, phone, and car keys.

If your cart doesn’t have a safety strap, then go to your backup plan – use a carabiner! These nifty little clips have long been used by rock climbers to protect themselves against falls, but you can use this same tool to protect yourself from sneaky purse snatchers!

“For those carts that don’t have the child strap, keep an inexpensive carabiner clip attached to your purse strap. Simply clip the carabiner to the cart and your purse is more secure. HAPPY SHOPPING!”
Wow, I had no idea, but this is very important to know. The NH Police Department’s message has since been shared thousands of times, and it’s no wonder why – it’s such a cool trick!

If you want to prevent purse-snatching altogether, then ditch the bag at home and take only what you need. Use a small wristlet to carry your credit cards, ID, and cash. You can keep your cell phone hidden in the car, or do what many women do, and tuck it in your bra.

If you absolutely must have your purse with you when you’re out and about, then keep it locked up tight in the trunk, and only take the essentials with you when you’re actually shopping. Of course, you could also just carry a cross-body purse, like Tabi Bailey, who commented:

“I keep my purse closed and on my body. A cross body normally. However, at this point, all you’re going to be stealing from me is some pull-ups, wipes, kids snacks, toys and maybe like a dollar. Lol. Hope that gets you what you need though.”
When you’re at the mall buying that last-minute gift, safety should be at the top of your holiday wish list. All it takes is a few extra precautions, and one inexpensive carabiner, to ensure your holiday cheer spreads into the new year.
