The Magic Baking Soda: Things You Didn’t Know Baking Soda Could Do

The Amazing uses of baking soda: you probably were not aware that baking soda can do this:

The magical white, fine powder that can do almost anything is presented as sodium bicarbonate or well known as baking soda. The taste of the baking soda is a little bit salty, an alkaline taste which is gathering of sodium and bicarbonate ions.

Firstly was found at the college of Medicine back in 1800, in Berlin by two workers.

In the United States arrived in the colonial times imported by the Europeans. In the year of 1839 United States began with their production of baking soda.

The Amazing uses of baking soda: you probably were not aware that baking soda can do this:

Body odor

Since we know that baking soda acts on the acid substances or base pHs, it can be used for neutralizing these particles by making them less acidic.

The important thing is that you can make your own semi-solid stick which can be almost like the antiperspirant deodorants which can be purchased in the stores. The main recipe consists of extra-virgin coconut oil, shea butter, cornstarch or arrowroot powder, baking soda and some drops of essential oil by your choice. Remember this deodorant is chemically free!!

Bee stings

Bees or wasps create a substance called venom which is injected into the body by their sting into the victim’s skin. Clean the area with soap and water and apply a paste prepared with water and baking soda. Apply on the venom and wait to break down and prevent and soothe the itchy skin. But remember try this natural remedy only if you are not allergic to bees.

Teeth whitener and general oral health

Many case studies related to the content of toothpaste have shown that toothpaste with baking soda in the content has the property of plaque removal improved significantly.

If you want to whiten your teeth naturally use this recipe: use one mashed strawberry and mix it with one-half teaspoon of baking soda. Apply it on your teeth and leave it up to ten minutes and rinse. Then use a toothbrush and brush as you usually brush your teeth. This treatment should not be repeated often but once a week. The side effects of excessive use can result in potential damage of the tooth enamel. This mixture can help you in killing bad bacteria.

Acid reflux

Baking soda is combined of alkaline pH so it can really help in the natural neutralization of the excess acid which is responsible for this unpleasant feeling.


One-half teaspoon dissolves in a half a glass of water, taken in a period of two hours. (do not use more than a seven-half teaspoon of baking soda in a period of 24 hours.


If you have splinter do not squeeze it, it may break down into smaller pieces. Wash it and gently dry the skin, then add water and ¼ of baking soda just enough to make a fine paste. Apply the paste onto the splinter and use a bandage to cover it. The soda will make the skin swell so it can push out the splinter.


Baking soda can be an excellent helper in treating burns. Just add some baking soda into water and make a cold compress. Apply directly onto the burn and wait for the healing.

Also, you can prepare a nice bathwater just after an enjoyable day in the sun. Fill your tub with lukewarm water and add one-half of baking soda. Soak in the tub for twenty minutes and wait for the soda to calm and heal the burn.

Alkalizing pH

At the beginning, this treatment was used to treat cancer mainly of the digestive tract. Including colon, intestines, throat cancer, rectal area and other similar types of cancer.

The cancerous cells live in an alkaline environment because it promotes growth.

For someone who is about 170 pounds, in order to get a full detox and for improved maintenance. It is needed it is recommended to take 4-6 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate. If you want to keep the neutral level of pH of 7.4.

In order to force cancer to die you need pH of 8,5 and a healthy pH level is considered to be 7,4. If you are having cancer try this treatment by keeping the pH level between 8,0 and 8.0 until your tumor or cancer shrink.
