How To Eat Papaya Seeds To Detoxify Liver, Kidneys And Heal Digestive Tract

After reading this article you will stop throwing papaya seeds!

With its sweet taste, a soft, butter-like consistency and musky undertones, it is no wonder why Christopher Columbus described the papaya as “fruit of the angels”. This fruit has a highly nutritional value providing many health benefits. Due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties papaya can be used as a powerful remedy for treating numerous health issues including cancer, blood sugar level, heart disease, wounds, and digestive issues.

But, we can assume that all this time whenever you were eating papaya you used to throw away its seeds without having a clue that actually the seeds are the ones which make this fruit so beneficial.

So, now that you are familiar with the fact that papaya seeds can provide many health benefits, you can start eating the whole fruit and enjoy its benefits!

Health benefits of papaya seeds

Improve Digestive Health

Papaya is considered as extremely useful for improving the function of the digestive system. The seeds of this fruit have potent anti-parasite and antibacterial properties, responsible for the fruit ability to eliminate the harmful micro-organisms from your intestinal tract.

Moreover, we need to mention that this fruit has strong anti-pathogenic properties so eating only 1 tablespoon of papaya seeds can help you with food poisoning in that way that will kill the bacteria which cause the problem.

 Prevent Cancer

Papaya seeds have phenolic compounds and flavonoids in its content, which have been identified as natural antioxidants and which have the ability to slow down the growth of tumor cells. The phytonutrient isothiocyanate can prevent breast, prostate, lungs, and colon cancer.

Detoxify Liver

For many years, the Traditional Chinese Medicine has been using papaya seeds to remove the harmful toxins from the body, thus improving the vital functions of the liver.

A number of studies claim that papaya can be significantly useful for people who suffer from fatty liver (liver cirrhosis). The regular consumption of 1 tablespoon papaya seeds a day can help you to detoxify your liver. However, you need to make some dietary and lifestyle changes as well, like quit drinking, so you can obtain the best results.

Detoxify Kidneys

Papaya seeds are also extremely beneficial for detoxifying your kidneys. Due to their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, they are able to protect your kidneys from toxin-induced inflammation.

 Lower High Blood Pressure

According to many studies conducted on lab rats, papaya fruit can provide significant improvements in the cardiovascular health. Carpaine-a is a compound which is found in the whole fruit including its seeds and leaves which prove to be effective for reducing diastolic, systolic, and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP).

 Reduce Inflammation In Inflammatory Diseases

The powerful enzymes papain and chymopapain and the potent anti-inflammatory properties make these remarkable seeds significantly useful for fighting inflammation in the body such as asthma, gout, joint pains, and arthritis.

 Natural Contraceptive

For many years, the Indian culture has been using papaya seeds as a form of natural contraceptive. In the case you want to get pregnant, you should avoid eating papaya seeds. Studies conducted on male rats which were eating papaya seeds for some period of time claim that the production of their sperm was reduced.
