3,000-Year-Old Techniques for Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis and Inflammation


A lot of people aren’t aware about different kinds of diseases and they will just know it the moment that they suffer from it. Rheumatoid Arthritis is one of the common illnesses that most of elder people suffer from, but little did we know that everyone can actually suffer from it, especially when they are not taking care of their body.

Rheumatoid Arthritis or RA has been known as an autoimmune disease where in the immune system of the body, which usually defends its health by attacking unknown substances that includes bacteria and viruses mistakenly attacks the joints of the body. As a result, this creates an inflammation that eventually causes the tissue that line inside of the joints, which is known as synovium, to thicken, resulting in both swelling and pain in the joints area. The synovium, on the other hand makes a fluid that has the ability to lubricate the joints, as well as to assist them in moving in a smooth way.

Rheumatoid Arthritis often affects different parts of the body which includes hands, wrists, elbows, as well as feet, knees and ankles. The effect that is has to the joint is commonly proportioned, which means that if one of the knee or hand is affected, then the other one will be affected, as well. It happens due to the fact that RA can also affect body systems, including the cardiovascular or the respiratory system and it is also known as a systemic disease, meaning it affects the entire body.

The reason behind Rheumatoid Arthritis is not yet fully understood until now, even though a lot of doctors have been informed that an abnormal response of the immune system shows a most important role in both of the inflammation and joint damage that happens. No one has ever known for a fact as to why the immune system gets weak, however there is a scientific proof that the factors involved are genes, hormones and even some of the environmental factors.

Ayurvedic or also known as traditional Indian remedies that you can actually try at your home and these are the following:

This kind of classic or ancient Ayurvedic herb has been popular known due to its anti-inflammatory components. According to the Spirituality Health, it is extremely powerful; studies have even shown that it is a lot effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis that any pharmaceutical drugs that is available. As a matter of fact, you can try it in curries, on eggs or you can also dissolve some amount of it in a glass of warm milk.

When your body does not get enough amount of sleep that it needs, then it does not have adequate time to repair and restore the damages that it suffered from the entire day. As a result, your immune system overdrives during your waking hours and this kind of overwork causes inflammation. This is the reason as to why Chopra Center has advised people to sleep at least seven to eight hours on a regular basis in order to lessen inflammation.

A relaxing and relieving kind of massage is the perfect gift for yourself after a tiring day because it will help you in relaxing, as well as to reduce the inflammation in the body. Bayan Botanicals have suggested giving yourself at least 10 to 20 minutes of massage on a daily basis. You can also rub your aching joints and sore muscles with around ½ cup or at least 120 ml of either warm sunflower or coconut oil before taking a bath or a warm shower.

This spicy root has the ability to do miracles against joint pain because it is loaded with both of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Based on what Spirituality Health have said, it may become really effective in elevating the mobility of the joint, as well as in soothing the pain, reducing the swelling and even lessening the stiffness every morning. All you need to do is to get in the habit of consuming fresh ginger tea on a regular basis every morning.

The Chopra Center has explained that at least 60 to 70% of the immune system can actually be found in the gut. That is the reason why it is really important to maintain a healthy and happy gut. If your gut is quite unbalanced and upset, then it will eventually trigger an inflammatory response that might affect the entire body. Luckily, one way of keeping a healthy gut is with the help of probiotics, which includes yogurts. Consume yogurts regularly for a healthier gut.

Coriander, fennel and cilantro are the kinds of the herbs that can actually cool and help you in reducing the inflammation of the joints, just like what Banyan Botanicals have said. You need to include them on your regular diet, as well as some naturally sweet, bitter and astringent foods. A good anti-inflammatory dinner is composed of chickpeas that is cooked with turmeric and tossed with pomegranates, cashews, cilantro and even coriander.

According to Banyan Botanicals, people who are suffering from chronic inflammation can do moderate type of exercise that is soft on the joints, which includes yoga, swimming and even biking. All you need to do is to do an exercise for at least five times a week in the morning or in the evening when the temperature is much cooler.

Ayurvedic medicine has been known because it is all about treating problems at the source. This is the reason as to why Spirituality Health have suggested to do recording any time that you are feeling stressed. When you feel stressed, your immune system triggers an inflammatory response in the body. If you have the ability to figure out the reason behind your stress, then you can work it out to lessen the triggers and reduce the inflammation. You can also take note of how your body responds to the stress that you are feeling, as well as to when you have seen the inflammation. For an instance, is your body feeling stiff the day after consuming a huge amount of milk? This usually results to the discovery of common foods allergies just like gluten, soy and even lactose.

The above-mentioned natural and effective home remedies have worked for more than 3,000 years up to now in most of Indian communities who practices Ayurvedic medicine and they might work for you, as well. Just simply do at least one or more steps in order to reduce both of the pain and inflammation. Share this with your family and friends to help them out, too.
