Cabbage-Honey Recipe For Cough Quick Relief and Helps Fight Bronchitis

Try this!

Dry coughs are one of the most annoying health problems, which is very difficult to treat even you take medicines that your doctor recommended.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes. These are the tubes that carry air to and from your lungs. People who have bronchitis often have a persistent cough that brings up thickened, discolored mucus. They may also experience wheezing, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

Bronchitis may be either acute or chronic. Acute bronchitis develops from a cold or other respiratory infection, and often improves within a few days without lasting effects. Chronic bronchitis is a more serious condition that develops over time rather than striking suddenly. It’s characterized by recurrent episodes of bronchitis that last for several months or years. The constant inflammation in the lining of the bronchial tubes causes excessive amounts of sticky mucus to build up in the airways. This restricts the amount of airflow going into and out of the lungs. The blockage in airflow gets worse over time, resulting in breathing difficulties and increased mucus production in the lungs.

Believe it or not, this remedy made from cabbage leaves and honey is the most effective way to eliminate this disturbing health problem.

The best thing about this remedy is that it has no age restriction and it is equally effective in children, adults and even pregnant women.


Slowly peel off the leaves from your cabbage. Then, put them in a boiling water for a few minutes – they should become warm and soft.

Rub some honey on one side of a leaf and place the leaves, honeyed-side down, across the chest of the patient.

Then, use a nylon to secure the leaves and wrap a scarf or towel on top of everything. The procedure should be done before bedtime.

If you have severe coughs, you can wrap two sheets of cabbage – one on the chest and another on the back. The wrappings should be removed in the morning.

When you remove the wraps, you should wash the skin to get rid of any residue, which the wraps have pulled from your body.

If bronchitis is in an early stage, the results will be visible after the first treatment. The treatment should be done for a total of 5 – 7 nights, after which the chronic cough should be completely gone.

However, the reason why this remedy works is that the active ingredients in cabbage and honey, together with the heat, can firmly eliminate your cough and reduce the inflammatory process responsible for it.

ADDITIONAL TIP: You can also switch between honey and warm castor oil during the course of your treatment.

The child cannot always be given drugs from the pharmacy, which have a huge number of side effects. A simple harmless folk remedy helps cope with the cough in the early stages of the disease.

It is worth noting that the cabbage leaf with honey from coughing to the child can be given only as an auxiliary treatment. It is advisable to immediately show the baby to the doctor, thus avoiding the development of serious diseases.

A sheet of honey can be applied to the back or chest of a child if he is not allergic to honey, and also provided that the cough is wet, of a cold, while the body temperature is low. This compress is done at night, carefully wrapping the baby. By morning, the cough is mostly softer, the bronchi from the sputum are cleared better. Basically, three procedures are enough for the cough to completely pass.

Cabbage leaf with honey from a child cough can be replaced with a cake if it has sensitive skin. To do this, make a mixture of honey and chopped cabbage. You need to take 2 tablespoons of honey for one sheet. The finished mass is applied to a napkin made of gauze from several layers, covered with the same layer of gauze, then applied to the back or chest, like a mustard plaster. This compress should be kept for an hour, then removed, the place of application wiped with a damp towel, after which the child was put in bed, giving him the herbs for coughing.

Cabbage leaf for cough for children is also used in the form of a decoction. In addition to compress, the baby can be given it three times a day on a tablespoon in a warm form with half a spoonful of honey.

Cough during pregnancy is very harmful in itself, as many organs and the abdominal wall are straining at this moment, which can damage the baby’s future, as well as lead to miscarriage. Especially coughing is dangerous if it is caused by inflammatory processes in the lower and upper respiratory tract, at any stage of development. Therefore, with the simplest symptoms of acute respiratory infections or colds, an urgent consultation of a specialist is required.

At some periods of pregnancy, medication treatment is contraindicated and not always possible to use even mustard plasters, therefore, as an alternative, various folk methods are used, one of them is cabbage leaf from cough. When pregnant, it is also applied to the breast in the form of a compress instead of the usual mustard plaster.

During this time period any treatment methods, medications are agreed upon must be with the doctor.

There are some limitations to the use of cabbage leaf:
Do not make warming compresses at high temperature.
A cabbage leaf with honey on the skin does not overlap if there are lesions in the form of sores or abrasions.
Compresses cannot be used if there are enlarged lymph nodes.
