If You Eat Garlic and Honey On an Empty Stomach For 7 Days, This Is What Happens To Your Body!

One of the best natural remedies.

One of the most used natural ingredients in the whole world is garlic. Beside that it’s very tasteful, it also has very powerful & beneficial health properties and may help you in healing many ailments. If you consume it raw it can be one of the best natural remedies.

Cholesterol and high blood pressure can be decreased by garlic and it can also prevent heart attack and coronary heart disease and stop the atherosclerosis’ effects.

A garlic bulb can be the solution for your problems, such as traveler’s diarrhea, hay fever, flu, cold, fungal infections and bug bites. It can also help you in managing the symptoms of diabetes, an enlarged prostate and osteoarthritis. Garlic can help the body to get rid of the toxins and improve the immunity. If you combine it with ginger and onion, it can help you detox from chemotherapy.

How garlic can be used?

Garlic has an active ingredient- allicin, and if it is heated it is decentralized. That is why you should consume raw garlic. When garlic is crushed, sliced and left for about 15min, it makes the allicin bio-available. If your stomach is food overwhelmed, it can’t absorb and process all the garlic’s nutrients and that is why garlic should be eaten on an empty stomach.

Raw garlic and honey

Make a mixture of 1tbs. of honey and 2 or3 chopped garlic cloves. By taking this amazing combination on daily bases, you will feel more healthy and energized.

Garlic flu tonic

This tonic can cause a burn or a skin rush because of the natural oils that garlic has. That means you must not rub the eyes while making the tonic and you should wear gloves  so you can avoid any problem.

Everything you need for this tonic is:

  • 1/2 yellow onion (roughly chopped);
  • 5 garlic cloves (roughly chopped);
  • 2 roughly chopped red chili peppers;
  • 1tbs ginger (chopped);
  • juice of one lemon;
  • apple cider vinegar (unfiltered and raw)


Take a 350-500ml glass jar and in the bottom place the onion. After that you should add the garlic and the red chili peppers(with their seeds). Next, place the ginger and pour the lemon juice over that. At last, add the vinegar and you should leave a 1cm space at the top of the jar. Then, close it and place it in a pantry or on the counter. You can use this healing tonic like a remedy for cold, flu and sore throat. Don’t wait make this tonic now and protect your health.
