How to Transform Your Life With 3 Ingredients For Less Than $20

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Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda…Oh My!

Do you find this familiar? Money leaving your bank account, and only the smallest amount coming in?

We all want to buy something that is better and healthier for us, but purchasing these products can cost a lot. As we all know a single trip to the store for the most needy products, like face moisturizer, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. can cost very much if you buy the right products. You can save money by buying the cheaper products, but will your health remain the same? We don’t think so, because the products might be filled with harmful chemicals.

How can we get the best of the two worlds — Organic/Natural products that are budget friendly?

Here are the 3 main products that you can buy for less than $20, but can take care of your beauty and will keep up the routine, and also will maintain your overall health (this goes for men too).

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

What to Buy: The apple cider vinegar you buy, must be unpasteurized, unheated, unfiltered and raw if you want it to provide all of the health benefits it is supposed to. The best brand of this type you can get, and you can find in almost every grocery store is Bragg’s.

Why to Buy It: It is supportive and beneficial for almost everything we have, our home, our skin, our hair, etc. Numerous chemicals and unwanted pathogens can be eliminated instantly with the use of apple cider vinegar!

How to Use It:

  • Hair Rinse — In a cup of water, add 1/2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, stir well and then soak your hair in it or wash rinse it with the mixture right after you took a shower and washed your hair. It will give your hair an amazing glow and it will remove buildups.
  • Facial Toner — You can soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar (2 parts water 1 part apple cider vinegar) and then place it on your face. This will reduce the appearance of acne, scars and aging spots.
  • Morning Energizer and Detox Drink — In a glass of water, add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, stir well and drink the mixture.

2. Coconut Oil

What to Buy: Not every brand of coconut oil is made the same way. That is why you want to take a good look at the label on the back and try to find these guidelines: cold pressed, extra virgin (virgin), organic, fair trade and unfiltered. In almost every grocery store you can look for the brand Kelapo which costs about $9. But the brand that we recommend you the most is the Niulife, we have been using it in some recipes, and it has shown itself as a high quality oil.

Why to Buy It:

  • Promotes weight loss (reducing appetite).
  • It contains lauric acid which can kill bacteria, fungi and viruses.
  • Boosts the brain function due to its fat acids.
  • When you consume it it increases the energy expenditure.
  • Improves the blood cholesterol levels in us.
  • The fat acids that it contains are with strong medicinal properties.

How to Use It:

  • Kitchen Use — For baking and cooking.
  • Makeup Remover — Chemical-free and effective.
  • Energy Booster — Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of it in your coffee.
  • Conditioner — Use it for hair treatment.
  • Moisturizer — It is totally safe to use it on your body and your face.
  • Oil Pulling — Improves your dental health.

3. Baking Soda

What to Buy: We recommend you to buy pure baking soda, from the brand Bob’s Red Mill.

Why to Buy It: It is very cheap, it costs about $3, and it is a perfect replacement for a lot of beauty products and items, and it is very simple to use!

How to Use It:

  • Toothpaste — Get your toothbrush and dip it in the baking soda (if you like add some coconut oil) and wash your teeth with it, this will improve your oral hygiene and remove any plaque.
  • Natural Deodorant — use a little bit of water and a teaspoon of baking soda, mix it and you will get a paste that you can rub under your arms to prevent from the bad odor body smells.
  • Hair Wash — When you wash your hair, get baking soda and rub it into your hair just like you do it with shampoo. This technique will protect your hair, improve its texture and glow and it will clean it well.
  • Tame Dermatological Conditions — Using water and baking soda will create the same paste, as we mentioned before, this paste can treat many skin conditions, including poison ivy, sunburn, rashes and a any type of insect bites. Use a cotton ball to dab it in the paste, and topically apply it on the affected areas.
  • Gentle Exfoliant — The paste we mentioned two times already, can be used while in the shower, to rub it directly on your face, which will exfoliate your skin. After that your face will be smooth and soft.

If you are using some of these products keep it up, and include the rest of the techniques and methods, you will discover a whole new area of health benefits!

If all of the products that you saw today, were new for you, you need to start using them right away, include them into your beauty and health routine! Share them with your family and friends too.
