Do You Want To Completely Rejuvenate Your Face? Learn How To Prepare This Gel

4 natural recipes to rejuvenate the face skin and keep it healthy

Do you have many marks of expression, acne and blemishes on your face? It is best to use some masks based on completely natural ingredients to rejuvenate your skin.

The naturist recipes have an agilizado effect and guaranteed, in addition, they do not leave sequels to us by secondary effects and they are very easy to obtain, also they are very economic. Take note and pay attention to use the recipes that we will give you below.

4 natural recipes to rejuvenate the face skin and keep it healthy

1.Aloe and cucumber face mask:

Take a glass of aloe vera and wash it very well, so that you get rid of the iodine, likewise, you are going to remove the seeds from the cucumber, taking care not to remove the skin.

Cut both ingredients into proportional pieces and liquefy them for 2 minutes, then add a vitamin E tablet, re-liquefy and go.

Apply on your face before falling asleep and remove the mixture the next morning with warm water.

2.Banana and honey face cream:

Grind a ripe banana, precooked and combine it with 4 tablespoons of honey, mix well so that its components are unified, there are no lumps and you get a fairly consistent and homogeneous substance.

Once finished, smear the mask on the entire length of your face and let it rest for an hour and a half, time in which the remedy will dry.

After the stipulated time, you wash your skin with lots of water.

3.Remedy with lemon juice, ground turmeric and natural yogurt:

The amounts are small because you do not spread too much content on your face.

With two tablespoons of each thing is enough, just make sure that at the time of mixing they are not lumps.

Apply on the skin making special emphasis on where you have more imperfections, let it rest for an hour and remove the contents doing soft massages.

4.Egg white and lemon mask:

Mix the white of an egg with the juice of a lemon and pour the liquid in a pan so that it is simmered for a few minutes, it does not need to boil.

Then, let the remedy reach an ambient temperature so that it can be applied to the whole face and perform gentle frictions, so that the medicinal qualities of both ingredients penetrate the skin and eliminate dead cells.

10 minutes later, you wash your face.

Medicinal properties of each ingredient
Each of the foods that we have provided have the same qualities, so that their combination repower and streamlines the rejuvenating process.

Vitamins A, C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, fiber, amino acids, antioxidants, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties act quickly on the skin to attack dead cells and free radicals that only damage the dermis.

In addition, the production of collagen is encouraged with all these foods, this is excellent because it is the one who prevents the new appearance of radicals and regenerates the cells that stop working properly, achieving a smooth, smooth skin, free of wrinkles and other imperfections .