Dip Your Feet In Vinegar Once A Week, and You Will See How All Your Diseases Disappear

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As we all know, the vinegar only the beam used for your kitchen or to launder some of your favorite clothes, it has many more benefits and we will introduce you today one more. This product will bring you incredible benefits just by using it once a week on your feet, yes, on your feet even if it sounds very strange.

Although its smell is a little uncomfortable for many, even if it is a stranger it turns out that this product will help you eliminate the bacteria and germs that can affect you.

To eliminate the calluses you should only soak your feet in a mixture with equal parts of vinegar and water. for 45 minutes (preferably warm water), and then exfoliate with your pumice stone, you will see how quickly the calluses are falling and your skin is becoming very soft. If you want to know how to use it, keep reading this post that we bring to you today and find out about its benefits. We hope you like.


The protagonist in this recipe is nothing more and nothing less than the well-known apple cider vinegar. This foot soaking treatment in apple cider vinegar is called a foot bath. Surely you have already heard about this technique and it has been used for many years in all parts of the world, and this thanks to the benefits it brings.

The vinegar as we can use it to fight against respiratory problems, digestive and even lose weight, it is wonderful to perform this natural treatment. Depending on how we use it and with what we combine it, the results can be wonderful.

This foot bath is made with warm water to prevent our feet from suffering thermal shock, and the good thing is that if we prefer we can add herbs, spices or even aromatic salts.

The reasons for making a footbath with apple cider vinegar are that the feet are a place where a large part of the germs accumulate since they are not very exposed and lack a lot of oxygenation. This type of germs or bacteria can cause these horrible calluses, dry feet, roughness and even infections.

When performing a foot bath your feet will be disinfected and you will be able to put an end to those fungi and microbes that cause the bad smell.


Heat the water, until it is lukewarm, between 15 to 18 degrees. Not very hot, Place this water in a tub or container where we can put our feet to soak and add a full glass of apple cider vinegar. If you prefer you can add a few drops of lavender essential oil to improve the smell and stimulate sleep. Let soak for 15 minutes and you’re done.

Among other uses of apple cider vinegar we have that it helps us to fight dandruff, relieves a sore throat, eliminates bad smells from our home and reduces the bad smell of shoes.
