3 Things You Can Do at Home to Help Eliminate Varicose Veins

How To Get Rid Of Varicose And Spider Veins Naturally

If you were dealing with this condition, you surely have given up on everything that was supposed to help you, to help you get rid of the lumpy, bulging veins?

Has it ever happened to you, to wear long sleeves and long pants while going in public, just because you feel embarrassed about the so called spider veins appearance?

According to the latest studies, about 50% of both men and women that are over the age of 50 are suffering from some kind of varicose, or spider veins.

Many people who are dealing with this condition, are looking their way out of it, into laser surgeries and expensive creams only to eliminate or decrease the appearance of the ugly and unpleasant vein sight, but they do this not knowing that here are many affordable and much safer ways to get rid of them!

We will show you 3 of those ways today!

1. Horse Chestnut and Bilberry Herbs

Horse Chestnut and Bilberry herbs are natural remedies that were used a long time ago, because they were very effective in the treatment of this condition, they are still famous today. Also they are able to decrease the swelling and water retention. You can have these two like a tea, or in a capsule form.

2. Essential Oils

One of the best oils to improve your circulation, balance wacked-out hormones, and tackle inflammation that can cause many vein issues is the Cypress essential oil. Its use is very simple, just add about 5 drops of the oil, in a small cup, mix it with coconut oil and simply rub it on the affected areas,each night and morning for a few weeks.

3. Eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

This kind of diet will make a lot of differences, in this situation, and it will help with the vein issues in their treatment. Make sure your diet is rich with foods that are high in micronutrients and antioxidants, foods that have the ability to reduce inflammation naturally, something like turmeric, and foods that are very rich with fiber as well.

Here are some foods that contain particularly strong anti-inflammatory properties:

  • Leafy Greens: Superfoods and green veggies are very rich with nutrients, enzymes and phytochemicals. If you consume these nutrients on an empty stomach they will repair and bolster your cells. This is why everybody recommends to start your day with a glass of warm water with some freshly squeezed lemon juice inside it, and then follow that glass with another one of green juice, so that all digestive processes are up.
  • Fatty Fish: Very rich with anti-inflammatory properties, and a lot of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Berries: Has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, besides that it tastes delicious.
  • Beets: This is a veggie that is also very rich with antioxidants, and has the ability to thin the blood and prevent from inflammation. Also it is very high in vitamin. Oh, and don’t panic if your bathroom trips are a pink hue, after you have eaten beets, it is totally normal.
  • Seeds and Nuts: Sunflower seeds are rich with vitamin E, but all nuts have strong antioxidant properties. They are very helpful in case of an inflammation, by repairing the damage done to the cells. Seeds and Nuts are one of the greatest sources for minerals, fiber, proteins, essential vitamins, healthy fats and amino acids.
  • Raw Tomatoes: They are rich with bioflavonoids and carotenoids that are nutrients which have anti-inflammatory abilities. Easy to add in any dish, and very easy to find.
  • Garlic: The most powerful antibiotic, which was proven by experts that it stimulates the production of cytokine, and this makes it one of the best natural remedies to treat inflammation and other issues.
  • Mushrooms: Mushrooms were used for many centuries due to their beneficial properties. Types of mushrooms that have anti-inflammatory properties are: caterpillar fungus, reishi, bamboo fungus, almond, lion’s mane and maitake mushrooms.
  • Ginger: For many centuries, ginger has been known for its strong anti-inflammatory properties, its most powerful anti-inflammatory pythonutrient is the gingerol, which was constantly used in many traditional medicines like a painkiller for inflammatory disorders like arthritis.
  • Turmeric: There were many studies that have shown that turmeric has very strong anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Tart Cherry Juice: The food that has the highest anti-inflammatory content is the Montmorency cherry. But some studies have proven that the tart cherries have a lot safer and better alternative anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Coconut Oil: The coconut oil contains lauric acid, and has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Plust is has healthy fats, which keep your brain alert, your cells fueled and supporting your digestive system. Fat is burned by healthy fats as well.
  • Cayenne: There is an active ingredient contained in the cayenne, which is known as capsaicin, and some cultures know it as the “destroyer of inflammation”.
  • Teas: Mostly Matcha Green Tea and White Willow Tea.
  • Olive Oil: There is a substance that was found in this oil which was a powerful anti-inflammatory. It is best to consume this oil raw, because when it is heated it becomes rancid, or you can use it on low temperatures when you cook.
  • Herbs: Sage, ashwagandha and rosemary!

Now that you know these things, if you are dealing with this condition, or someone close to you, try these natural remedies, save a lot of money and double the positive effects!

Source: fitlife.tv