10 DIY Home Remedies of Garlic

Amazing results!

Have you been informed about the medicinal properties of garlic? Aside of its ability of adding taste to dishes, garlic can also do amazing things to your entire health.

While there are healthy hot drink recipes that are available in fighting against common cold and to make the immune system stronger, consuming garlic can also offer your relief in just several minutes from numerous aches.

Garlic is a wonderful healing agent. If your ever suffer from any kind of pain, all you have to do is to place garlic on your ear and watch what will happen.

Here are the 10 DIY home remedies of garlic:

Can heal your body ache
Even though the garlic may leave some smell on your ear, at the end, it will all be worth it. You will definitely feel relaxed after doing so.

Curative agent
When you place a piece of garlic in your ear, it will eventually heat your body from the inside that will quickly treat your swelling, headaches, as well as fever ad earaches.

Can assist you in eliminating earache
You have to simply put a clove of garlic in your ear in the entire night in order to make you quite refreshing on the next morning.

Natural cough syrup
If you are suffering from an irritating cough, simply eat the mixture of garlic and honey for every two hours. It will eventually give you an immediate relief from cough.

Maintains your heart healthy
Garlic has the ability to improve your cardiovascular health by regulating your correct flow of the blood and it also reduces the cholesterol levels. In order to battle against heart issues, simply take at least 1 or 2 mashed garlic cloves in the morning on a regular basis.

Controls your hypertension
Garlic works as a vasodilator that assist in widening the blood vessels which helps in making the flow of the blood a lot smoother. People who are suffering from hypertension should consume several garlic gloves on an empty stomach.

Fights against fungal infections
Garlic is a one-stop solution for ringworm, athlete’s foot and even jock itch. Just simply apply garlic gel or oil on the affected area of your skin and you will eventually notice the result.

Decreases arthritis pain
Garlic contains anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which assist in reducing the swelling from arthritis. Just eat garlic on an empty stomach in the morning to get a relief from arthritis pain. For best results, include it on your daily diet.

Aids to prevent allergies
People who are suffering from allergies must take garlic supplement on a regular basis. You can also apply clove of garlic on rashes, bug bites, or even the itched area of your skin for immediate relief.

Gives immediate relief from toothache
The anti-bacterial and analgesic properties of garlic have the ability to fight against toothache. Simply apply some garlic oil or a piece of mashed garlic clove onto the affected gum for an immediate relief.
