Top 6 Herbs To Balance Your Hormones Naturally

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Are you constantly feeling like you have no energy, or you are bloated or sometimes anxious? These are one of the many symptoms that can be developed due to hormonal imbalance, which is very likely to affect your well-being and overall health in a very bad way.

The most vital role in our organism is played by the hormones. They are in control of our digestion, reproduction, metabolism, respiration, mood, tissue function, growth, movement and stress.

Therefore, if there are some changes in our hormonal balance, you are very likely to experience some changes in your health and in your body. You may sometimes start to gain a lot of weight, besides that you are on a healthy diet, and you are exercising often.

One of the most common factors for the hormonal imbalances are things such as stress, poor diet, genetics, environmental pollutants and medical history.

Also there are some other issues that are followed by the hormonal imbalance:

  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Memory fog
  • Sleep problems
  • Irregular periods
  • Weight gain
  • Skin issues, such as acne
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Lack of energy
  • Changes in appetite
  • Night Sweats
  • Puffy eyes
  • Brittle hair and nails
  • Loss of libido

One of the most common causes for the hormonal imbalance is birth control pills, insulin injections, thyroid medications, synthetic hormone replacement therapies, etc. But there are some ways that you can get your hormonal balance back in the place it should be, such as using some natural herbs to help you.

Top 6 Herbs, used for Hormone Imbalance

1. Red Raspberry Leaf

Making tea from the leaves of a red raspberry, can provide a lot of positive effects, because the leaves are very high in vitamins and minerals, mostly in vitamin C. This herb is very famous for the uterine-strengthening properties as well.

Even though it is helpful that it contains uterine tonic, the red raspberry leaf is able to reduce symptoms of painful period, heavy blood flow, hemorrhage, prevent miscarriage, and also increase the female and male fertility.

Also it is used very much, by pregnant women, because it is able to reduce the pain that occurs during and after the labor, stimulate the production of the women’s breast milk, and reduce nausea related to pregnancy.

2. Maca

Mostly this herb was used for hormonal imbalance by the Peruvian people, also they’ve been using it for endurance, fertility and loss of libido in our bodies, for many centuries. The Maca will not stimulate the production of our hormones, but it will be replacing the adaptogenic agents.

This means that the Maca is able to adapt to your body’s needs, and supply it with how much and what it needs, but it won’t improve the hormone production by itself. The Maca works in a way that if your body is producing too much hormones, it will reduce the production of hormones, it is in control of the hormonal production in our body, by maintaining its levels at the normal.

It stimulates and nourishes the master glands in our body that are responsible, and that are regulating all of our glands in the body. They are known as the pituitary and hypothalamus gland. From the balance of these glands, the Maca will be very likely to balance every other hormone-producing gland that is inside our body.

Also the Maca is helping the endurance in men and improves the libido, in other words the Maca is a simple and natural Viagra.

3. Milk Thistle

This herb is very good for liver-detoxification, because for a good hormonal balance our liver needs to be in a good shape and health. If our liver is full of toxins, mostly in women, this will lead to excess of the estrogen hormone and lack of progesterone.

Through our liver, actually the excess of estrogen levels is flushed. And if the liver is filled with toxins, it will not be able to turn them into waste, and our body will not be able to get rid of them.

The most important organ in our body for its detoxification, is the liver. Therefore if it is full of toxins, it will not be able to eliminate chemicals, metals, fungus and other harmful thins from our body. Many of the toxins that are built up in our liver, are causing a lot of hormonal imbalances.

This is the main reason why we want to keep our liver in a top shape, if we don’t want to develop some hormonal imbalances.

4. Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex)

Vitex has been used for many centuries for issues such as, endometriosis, preventing miscarriage in the first trimester, infertility, menopausal symptoms and mostly for hormonal imbalances.

This herb first regulates the pituitary gland, and through that it is able to regulate our hormonal levels. We mentioned before too, that the pituitary gland is the main gland in our body!

And if we manage to regulate it, actually it is like you are regulating all of the rest glands in your body. It works on a very simple way, the major gland is like the alpha, it tells the smaller glands what to do and how much hormone they need to produce.

5. Ashwagandha

This is also a natural adaptogen too, just like the Maca. It is very helpful in the case of hormonal imbalances, adrenal and thyroid balances as well. Therefore, it is able to treat hyperthyroidism, reduce stress levels, treat hypothyroidism, and also it is able to treat and prevent from Graves and Hashimoto Disease.

This herb is also very helpful in the case of anxiety and depression, it will improve your mood a lot.

6. Oatstraw

This herb is very good in relaxing our central nervous system and calming our body too, it also improves our mood in a very short period, improves our blood flow, strengthens our nerves, balances our hormonal levels, it soothes stomachache, and it also balances the hormone-producing glands.

This herb is very helpful for our bones as well, due to its richness in bio-available silica, calcium and magnesium.

Also it is very well to improve the health of our nails, hair, skin and it is able to reduce our cholesterol levels, therefore in general this herb is supporting our health very much! Make tea out of it, and drink it, or simply mix it with other herbs to provide more benefits.

Millions of people all across the globe are affected by hormonal imbalances. But most of them are searching their escape through medications, and they are not trying the natural way. All you have to do is consume enough omega-3’s, control your stress, sleep well, consume anti-inflammatory foods, use the herbs we mentioned above in the article and exercise more often!

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