Get Rid Of All The Dirty Cockroaches In Your Home

Amazing results!

A neighbor that I have had her house invaded by these bugs and I recommended this method and she still tells me that she thanks me very much for that.

You must be very clear that the reason for which we elaborate this article is so that you eliminate the frightful cockroaches of your home in a fraction of minutes.
To start preparing this method you only have to acquire the yolk of an egg and place it in a disposable plastic container. Then you must add 30 to 50 grams of boric acid powder and combine it well until you get a paste.

The best thing is that this is definitely not risky at all, it is excellent, it does you a great favor and helps you protect your health.

How do we get rid of these annoying visitors who breed so fast and lots?
Although dumpsters closed well or use insecticides to repel them, cockroaches are pushy and very difficult to eliminate them completely. And to top the habitat that attracts most is the kitchen, so sensitive and so related to your health place and your family.

Do not despair, because if you are tired of the insecticides that threaten to kill every living thing in your house except the cockroaches, today we will tell you how to prepare a 0% toxic insecticide and that guarantees you results.

In any natural products store you can buy boric acid, which is ideal for getting rid of cockroaches and also for ticks.

Try to identify the place where they have installed their nest and sprinkle the boric acid with the help of a broom or brush.

We know that insecticides or aerosols, besides affecting the environment, can also be harmful to health; So using this feature gives you security and gives you efficiency.

Perform a deep cleaning of floors and grids, before sprinkling boric acid for better results.
