Onions Are A Great Natural Remedy For Common Illnesses – Here Are 12 Unexpected Ways To Use Them

The most important benefits that can be gained from Onions:

Onions are widely used in almost every dish, and besides the way they smell, and their distinctive flavor, they contain numerous medicinal and healing properties.

They contain strong antibiotic and antiseptic properties, because they are very rich in sulfur, from which they gain the ability to fight against free radicals and some chronic diseases, including cancer.

This veggie is able to regulate our blood sugar, lower the bad cholesterol levels, support heart health, treat arthritis, fight vomiting and strengthen our immune system as well.

The onions were used the most by the Native Americans in order to prevent from coughs, congestion, bronchitis, flu and colds, and bronchitis too!

The most important benefits that can be gained from Onions:

Chest Congestion

Get a medium sized onion, crush it and add a little bit of coconut oil to create a paste. Then add that paste on your chest and use a towel to cover it. The mucus in your chest will be loosened up due to the vapor from the onion.


The onions contain strong antibacterial properties due to their high containment in sulfur, and they have the ability to eliminate microbes that can develop a cough. Peel an onion and sliced in equal halves, add a teaspoon of brown sugar on both of the halves. Cover them for one hour and then eat them throughout the day. This will soothe the cough and the symptoms that follow, and the high sulfur containment will fight against inflammation and detoxify your body.


Grate an onion and squeeze it with a cheesecloth, also add a little bit of peppermint oil and let it cool down. Than have 2 teaspoons of the juice after a few minutes, and 2 teaspoons of the peppermint tea. Do this until the vomiting goes away.


Put coconut oil on your feet. Then slice a thin onion slice and add them to your feet as well on the arch. Use a plastic foil to wrap the feet, then you can put on socks and let the onions do their job. They will get toxins, bacteria and sickness out of your body through the whole night.

Soothe a Bug Bite

Onions are able to soothe a discomfort that follows with a bug bite and fight against any type of inflammation because of their powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Simply add onion juice or a fresh slice of onion directly on the insect bite.

Ear Infections

Chop an onion in very small pieces and put them in a sock. Tie the sock and place it on your painful ear. The infection will be eliminated and you will relieve from the pain.


In order to stop a bleeding of a wound, prevent from any type of infection and boost the healing process just apply the film of the onion’s skin directly on the wound, and due to the strong anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antiseptic properties the effects we mentioned above will be provided.

Sore Throat

Boil the onion skins. Strain the mixture and then gargle with the mixture, then because of the powerful anti-inflammatory properties the inflammation of the throat will be soothed and you will relieve from the pain.

Cleanse the Air

If you want a natural air purifier, cut an onion in half and distribute it in every room of your house, it will absorb all of the bacteria and viruses that were in the air that surrounds you.

Minor Burns or Sunburns

Due to the high sulfur containment, the onion can soothe a burning and redness, therefore it is able to boost the skin regeneration process. Just apply a fresh onion over the affected areas.

Colic Baby

If your baby has colic, you can soothe it by giving it a single teaspoon of onion tea every hour. The onions will help it in its muscle relaxation, boost stomach health and help with digestion.

Hair Loss

Put a pot of water to boil and add an onion in it. Then you can rinse your scalp and hair with the liquid before you use a shampoo, that way you will get rid of the dandruff, prevent from hair loss and boost hair growth.

Source: luxuryandglamor.com