How to Whiten Yellow Teeth Naturally At Home in 2 Minutes

You will get Holywood smile!

Here in this article we will know how to whiten yellow teeth naturally. A smile can heal many wounds, and that’s true. A clean and fresh smile is a way that can make you win many hearts. Today’s lifestyle is getting more and more exhausting, and due to this, we ignore many health-related things. One of them is our teeth, they need much care like any other part of human body.

Some of the people lose their clean and shining white teeth by opting some bad habitslike, chewing tobacco or using any other tobacco products, smoking, eating lots of chocolate etc. Well, at last when they realize that these habits are damaging their teeth, they look for clinical as well as natural ways to regain the white and shining smile.

Well, the clinical ways are not always so easy and cheap, you need to spend a buck and maybe sometimes it is a painful experience to go the dentist and get your yellow teeth cleaned.

Today in this article I am bringing you a simple remedy, that is made up of simple ingredients, that comes directly from your kitchen. Also, these ingredients are side effects free and will cause you no harm if used. The remedy is simple and you can get white teeth instantly after using it, its just a 2-minute remedy.

Ingredients required:

  1. Turmeric Powder.(3 tablespoons )
  2. Baking Soda.(2 tablespoons)
  3. Refined Coconut oil.( 3 tablespoons)

About Ingredients:

Before we head to the creation of the paste that you will be needed to apply on your teeth and brush for 2 minutes and get the instant whitening effect on your teeth.

Coconut oil:

The work of coconut oil here is very crucial, as it removes plaque from your teeth. Coconut oil also kills germs and prevent tooth decay.

Baking soda:

Baking soda comes with antibacterial properties, it removes the stains in your mouth and also helps in bad breath.


Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It prevents germs and plague in your mouth and gives a refreshing breath.

Simple steps:

** before bringing these steps in use, please use petroleum jelly around your mouth so that you don’t get stains on your lips.

  • Take the paste that we created.
  • Take a toothbrush put some turmeric paste on it and brush your teeth well with it.
  • Now brushing for two minutes.
  • Wash your mouth.
  • Now take coconut oil in your mouth and squish it well for 2-5 minutes.
  • Do not swallow the oil, spit it out when done.
  • Now take the usual toothpaste and brush your teeth properly.

After brushing your teeth, you will see a gradual change in the whitening of your teeth. All the yellow stains will get removed by brushing with paste and your gums will become more healthy and stronger.

Like I said before ingredients used in the making of the instant whitening paste are all natural and herbal. The baking soda maybe a little harsh in your mouth while brushing but it does not cause any harm to your teeth, mouth or health. Using baking soda is important here is it a the main cleanser in the paste.
