Teen With Down Syndrome Flips Out When Chick-Fil-A Calls & Offers Her 1st Job Ever.

Mom caught the entire thing on video and it's even sweeter than you could imagine.

Getting your first job is one of the greatest rites of passage during the teenage years.

For many teens, becoming gainfully employed is the first time they’ll do something truly independently from their parents. It’s a first step towards the self-sufficiency and responsibility they’ll need to learn in order to become productive adult members of society. Plus, it’s just exciting to be earning money, meeting new people, and spending time in a brand new environment!

For Julia Hock of Elk Grove, California, landing her first job meant even more than it might have for other kids her age. Julia has Down syndrome, and she’s never let her special needs keep her from accomplishing her goals.

At age seventeen, Julia has already achieved quite a bit, by any standards! She’s a varsity cheerleader and helps run the concession stand at the little league snack shop. People in town have come to rely on her cheerful smile and hardworking attitude.

As a burgeoning young adult, Julia decided she wanted an official job — specifically, she wanted to work for her local Chick Fil A franchise. Julia enlisted the help of her friends and school guidance counselor to get her ready for the interview.

“Several kids at school wrote unsolicited letters of recommendation for her,” said Julia’s mom, Kerri Bass Hock, “and a couple of other kids helped her choose outfits and drove her to the interview.”

Kerri says Julia would be perfectly suited to working at the restaurant. “She’s very friendly and very sociable. The person that loves the unlovable.” So Julia went through two rounds of interviews, and she was on pins and needles, waiting to see if the management at Chick Fil A would call her to offer her a job…

And they did!

Kerri captured the moment when Julia got that much-anticipated phone call on video. She shared it to her Facebook page with the caption:

“Julia Hock is a working woman! After two interviews, lots of interview practice with her teachers, and team of her friends helping her pick outfits and putting in a good word-Juj was hired. So proud of our girl!”

“I’m hired!” Julia says happily. You can see how thrilled she is, and it’s a beautiful sight to behold.

Kerri even shared a photo of Julia on her first day at the new job. She certainly looks like she’s fitting in perfectly, and we hope she loves her new work family!

Congratulations, Julia! Watch her awesome reaction to the good news below, and don’t forget to share!
