9 Amazing Foods That All Diabetics Should Keep Close To

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This is especially true for diabetics. Even though we live in a drug-oriented culture, more and more people are beginning to realize that food is actually our best medicine. In most chronic and degenerative diseases, poor diet is the direct cause or a significant factor.

Here are 9 incredible foods that will benefit people with diabetes
Beans and lentils

Beans and lentils are good at controlling blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes, which can actually reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke . In addition, these two grains are very low in calories and possess a lot of protein and fiber, potassium and magnesium.

This herb also known as red pepper is very rich in dietary fiber, so it is used to treat stomach problems . Also, it has high content of vitamins A and C, potassium and calcium.

Nonfat Dairy Products
These dairy products contain magnesium that help the action of insulin rise in the blood , reducing the resistance of insulin in the body and keeping blood sugar levels in check. In addition, dairy products are rich in vitamin D and help strengthen teeth.

The low glycemic index of mushrooms, mushrooms or mushrooms slows the effect of diabetes in the body, too, because it contains little fat helps to lower cholesterol and vitamin D to the body. The dietary fiber that the fungi have decreases the rate of absorption of the carbohydrates of the other foods that the patient can ingest, this prevents the so-called sugar rises, which are frequent in diabetics.

Good cholesterol or unsaturated fats in walnuts helps keep the body stable, as well as its high fiber and magnesium content, facilitate digestion and decrease carbohydrate absorption.

Okra contains potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C, folic acid and calcium, making it perfect for fighting diabetes. The correct way to ingest it is to prepare your water in the following way:

-Wash the sheaths and cut them both ends
-Halve and put in a bowl
-Add water to cover
-Let it rest all night
-Before discarding the pods, tighten them to draw their water
-Boot the pods and drink the water
-Sweet potatoes

They are rich in fiber and vitamins A and C. This makes them the ideal alternative for patients who love to eat common potatoes but can not do so because of their excessive starch content.

One of the plants with the highest antioxidant potential is tomato, its vitamin A and C content make it appear as one of the most important superfoods for diabetics. Among the components of the tomato is lycopene, an antioxidant capable of reducing the risk of heart disease.

It is not a secret that wheat is one of the grains with higher fiber content, but it does not summarize its powers, it also has omega 3, foliate, magnesium, potassium and chromium, the ideal cocktail for patients with diabetes.