This Is How You Must Use The Laurel Leaves To Fill Your Body And Mind With Energy!

What did you find these curiosities about the laurel?

Did you know that laurel leaves has other applications than those used in the kitchen? The scientific name of this medicinal plant is Laurus nobilis L. This medicinal plant is also called European laurel or kitchen laurel.

One of the main uses of the laurel leaves is for culinary purposes due to the strong aromatic characteristics of its leaves.

Although it is also very appreciated in the branches of natural medicine. This medicinal plant contains tannins, essential oil, various organic acids, unsaturated fatty acids, substances with antioxidant and bactericidal action and minerals such as manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, among other compounds. You want to know more? Keep Reading … Remember to share this with your friends.


Then you will know some of the properties of the bay, which make it beneficial for health and you will learn how to make homemade and natural remedies to take advantage of them.

1.Relieves intestinal problems

Due to the antispasmodic properties of laurel, it is widely used to treat cases of diarrhea and colic in both children and adults.

2.Excellent digestion facilitator

The laurel tree has carminative properties, since it acts to facilitate the elimination of accumulated gases in the digestive tract; so it is very useful to treat diseases that cause symptoms of bloating or flatulence.

3.Avoid infections

The essential oils present in the composition of the laurel tree, have antiseptic properties, so its use is highly recommended to treat wounds caused by contusions or cuts, as it helps to prevent them from becoming infected. It fights infections in the skin with wounds, sores, burns, etc. Applying the laurel externally in plasters, infusions and cataplasms.

4.Excellent anti-inflammatory

The oils of this plant also have anti-inflammatory properties, so it is very useful external application to treat inflammations resulting from bumps, or joint pains. Mitigate muscle pain by applying cataplasms in the area or by giving a massage with laurel essential oil mixed with a base oil.

5.Stimulate the appetite

The laurel has aperitive properties, due to its composition, resulting in an excellent appetite stimulant. In turn, this tree has digestive properties, so that its consumption favors the realization of the digestive processes, regulating digestion.

6.Fight the respiratory tract affections

The laurel has bactericidal, antiseptic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects so it is recommended for respiratory conditions such as, for example, influenza, pharyngitis or bronchitis.

7.Effective diuretic

This plant is also beneficial for the kidneys because it is diuretic, so it is often used in slimming diets. But also, through this elimination of liquids, not only eliminate toxins but reduce the presence in our body of uric acid, so that the laurel is beneficial for those with circulatory problems, or for those suffering from gout or diseases hepatic


We have seen some of the main uses of the infusions or bay essential oil, but we can also apply the wonders of this aromatic herb to other aspects of health that are not negligible.

– Relieves fatigue.
– Help fight herpes and canker sores.
– Relieves anxiety, hypersensitivity and lack of confidence.
– The essential oil of laurel is effective to cure mycosis and acne.
– The essential oil of laurel purifies the environment and provides energy.
– The bay leaves keep flies away from your kitchen. Good to know!
– A cup of laurel infusion daily reduces blood sugar and cholesterol.
– The infusions of bay leaves deflate the liver.
– Regulates menstrual flow.
– It helps to detoxify the body after an excess of alcohol.


To prepare a laurel infusion, add 6 well-washed leaves in 250 ml of water. Place the fire and when it starts to boil, remove and let stand for 10 minutes.

Strain the preparation and consume. You can drink between 2 and 3 cups a day.


It is important to pay attention to the amount that is swallowed, since bay leaves can cause drowsiness or affect people who have a sensitive stomach, obviously when consumed in excess.

The consumption of laurel infusions is contraindicated in pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding.

What did you find these curiosities about the laurel? Aromatic plants can quickly become medicinal plants and are always within reach.
