Homemade Trick To Eliminate The Gray Hairs In One Step

This method will help you to fight your problem in the effective way possible.

Hair is something that partially complements the beauty of a woman, since this usually says more than we imagine of a woman, since it is something external that reflects the care of women. Therefore, it is recommended to keep it always clean and silky, when we see a girl with her hair disorganized, fat and neglected, the first impression that the person takes is that this is their daily life. Therefore, most girls spend long hours in the beauty salon to give the necessary care so that they can stay healthy and silky . Healthy hair attracts the eyes of all the people around us. There is no doubt that hair is the most beautiful decoration a woman can have.

However, there are several factors that tend to damage it, many of these factors we face day after day and others we acquire through time, as is the appearance of the annoying gray hairs.

The worst thing that can happen to a girl is that they start to appear gray to a woman , these white strands of hair are synonymous with old age in people and no woman likes to pretend that this old. These are usually very annoying for those who have it, however there are several methods that can help people to fight them.

One of the most common is the use of chemical-based treatments to dye them, these various treatments are often very common in beauty salons in stores and in supermarkets. However, these are the most dangerous of what we can imagine and if we continue to use the consequence that can be very serious.


-A bag of rosemary tea
-1 liter of water
-A bag of sage tea
-1 bag of green tea


To start the first thing we will do is that in a pot we will pour the water and then bring it to boil, when the boiling process begins introduction to the tea bags, when the sachets have been expelled all the substance, we will remove it from the fire and let it sit for a time of 24 hours and we will be ready to take it.

If you are looking to darken the color of your hair, to hide gray hair, it is advisable to use black tea. However, if what you want is to clarify your tone, the indicated thing is to use chamomile tea. This method will help you to fight your problem in the effective way possible.

For the application of both methods, we just have to immerse the hair in the tea you have chosen and let it remain moistened with it for several hours, then wash the hair with your shampoo of preference

Remember that you must follow the instructions step by step, so that you can obtain the necessary and definitive results to obtain a hair free of gray hair.
