Whiten Your Teeth In Just 3 Minutes Using These 2 Natural Ingredients

Whiten Your Teeth In Just 3 Minutes Using These 2 Natural Ingredients

A smile on your face is one of the most attractive and impressive parts of your personality. And what other than dazzling white teeth can boost your confidence to smile?

Yes, it is essential to have sparkling teeth which improve your self-efficacy and help you to keep a smiling face on.

There are toothpaste, solutions, and creams available in the market which claims to provide white teeth.

These cosmetic products are full of chemicals which can affect your enamel and make your teeth weak. The regular use of such harsh chemicals on your teeth can lead to early fall of teeth.

So, you should go green to protect your teeth and enhance the white color of your teeth.

It is just 3 minutes process which can provide dazzling white teeth naturally!

Things you need:

  • Baking Soda – 1 tbsp
  • Lemon Juice- 1 tsp
  • New toothbrush- 1


  1. Take 1 tsp of lemon juice squeezed from a fresh lemon.
  2. Add 1 tbsp of baking soda to it and allow the mixture to fizz up.
  3. Keep it aside for 1-2 minutes and then mix it well to get a thick paste.
  4. You can add more baking soda to the mixture to get a proper paste consistency.
  5. Put the paste on your toothbrush and start brushing your teeth thoroughly.
  6. Brush teeth in a regular way for 2 minutes and then wait for 1 minute and keep the solution in your mouth.
  7. Split the liquid in your mouth and rinse off your mouth with warm water.
  8. To keep your teeth white all the time, use this method once in every week.

The remedy not only whitens teeth but also strengthens the teeth and keeps it healthy. The process is totally non-toxic and it doesn’t have any side effects even if you accidently swallow the mixture.

The natural remedy is the best way to keep your teeth clean and white all the time. It also helps to reduce bad breath and tooth decay.

So, use this remedy today and comment below about how this remedy helped you to get whiten teeth.
