This is What Happens to Your Lungs, Brain And Mood When You Get a Himalayan Salt Lamp

You should try immediately!

You surely have already heard of the Himalayan pink salt lamps, but you should know that having them in the home means that you will have a source of positive energy, health, and fresh, clean air right there on the desk, near your bed, or in the living room.

All matter is composed of molecules, which are made up of atoms. Atoms are made of particles which can be of three types: protons (positive charge), electrons (negative charge), and neutrons (no charge).

Electrons orbit the molecules just like planets revolve around a star. Yet, sometimes electrons fly off and leave a positively-charged ion behind.

The purpose of such an ion is to fill the void left by its little-lost electron, so it attempts to steal an electron from another molecule and replace it. Some materials lose electrons more easily than others, due to the differences in the structure.

These are the health benefits of the Himalayan pink salt lamps:

  1. Neutralize Electromagnetic Radiation

We are constantly being surrounded with electromagnetic (EM) radiation from the numerous technological devices we use, such as the television, tablets, computers, cell phones, appliances, stereo, etc.

Even though it is invisible, the exposure to the EM leads to serious side-effects, including chronic fatigue, increased stress levels, weakened immune response, etc.

These lamps emit negative ions into the air and neutralize the electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, you should place one near the computer, TV, or any other electrical device.

  1. Reduce Static Electricity in the Air

Static leads to frustration, stress, and embarrassment, and it will also make your hair bad, cause difficulties to clean the crumbs from the floor, and various other issues.  However, these lamps neutralize static electricity as they neutralize the airborne ionized particles which are the reason for it.

  1. Cleanse and Deodorize the Air

The Himalayan pink salt lamps are excellent in removing the pollen, dust, cigarette smoke and contaminants from the air. They have the power of hygroscopy and purify the air as they attract water molecules from the surrounding environment, and then absorb those molecules into the salt crystal. They warm up from the heat by the light bulb and the water evaporates back into the air and the trapped particles remain in the salt.

  1. Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder

The natural light from the Himalayan pink salt lamps generates negative ions which improve mood and boost energy levels and resembles the warm glow of sunshine which can effectively treat the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder.

  1. Treats Allergy and its symptoms

These lamps eliminate microscopic particles of mold, dust, pet dander, and mildew, so its presence in the room can help you prevent allergy symptoms.  After a week of two, asthma patients also notice great improvements.

  1. Improved Sleep

The over-exposure to positive ions in the air lowers the quality of your sleep. The particles with positive charge reduce the oxygen and blood supply to the brain and lead to irregular sleep patterns.

Yet, as these lamps naturally generate negative ions, they can help you reverse this issue and improve the air quality in the bedroom which will ensure a good night sleep. You can keep it on during the day and turn the lamp off during the night if you are bothered by the light.

  1. Eases Coughing

As soon as the lamp heats up and starts the hygroscopic cycling of airborne particles, it also alters the charge of the released molecules.

One of the health disadvantages of positive ions is that the cilia (microscopic hairs) which line the trachea (or the windpipe) become sluggish and cannot function well to protect the lungs from contaminants.

The Himalayan pink salt lamps absorb water and particles found in the air and absorb the positive ions with them.

When the heated water releases the purified water back in the air, it also removes negative ions which support the cilial activity and keep the lungs clean and protected.  Therefore, these lamps also help the body to filter air better and to prevent the entrance of contaminants into the lungs.

  1. Improve Mood and Concentration

These lamps also improve mood and help you relax. Moreover, the enhance concentration, as the negative ions improve the supply of oxygen and blood to the brain and other body organs. They also The negative ions also boost the release of serotonin, which is the neurotransmitter that promotes the feeling of happiness.

  1. Environmentally-Friendly Light Source

Himalayan pink salt lamps are environmentally friendly. Their base is made of a sustainable wood like neem, and the bulb is low-wattage, which consumes very little energy.

Moreover, it is estimated that the reserves for Himalayan pink salt measure 80 and 600 million tons, which would be sufficient for the next years at the current extraction rate.

  1. Increase Energy Levels

We all find the trips, walks, and the time spent in nature invigorating, and it is not a coincidence. Namely, the concentrations of negative ions in nature are significantly increased, like the ones generated by these lamps.

Place the Himalayan pink salt lamp in the room you spend the most time in and you will notice the difference in a week.

Choosing and use of the Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp

The coverage of these lamps is determined by the size of their crystal, meaning that the larger the lamp, the bigger the room in which it should be placed.

You can approximately calculate that 1 lb. of HPS crystal will cleanse the air in a 4′ x 4′ area. Yet, you can have more lamps in the room and spread them around the house.

You should buy appropriately-sized lamps for the areas where you spend the most time at first, and then purchase larger ones for the rooms with lots of electrical devices. We suggest that you finish the collection by adding lamps to infrequently-used spaces.

The initial effects should be expected after a week, as the generation of negative ions will need that time to become noticeable.

The Himalayan pink salt crystals will start melting with prolonged exposure to high humidity, so we recommend that you keep a close watch on the lamps placed near sources of steam like showers, dishwashers, or laundry machines.
