The One Bad Thing About Lemon Water (And How You’re Making it Even Worse)

Pay attention!

You all know how gorgeous lemon water is, and most of you probably enjoy it first thing in the morning.

It is an extremely healthy and revitalizing drink, but we like its citrus tang, too.

Lemon water is packed with essential nutrients and vitamins, which makes it one of the greatest drinks you will ever have. It boosts the immune function and also stimulates healthy metabolic processes.

However, there is one particular thing you should keep in mind, and you are probably not even guessing it.

The only bad thing about lemon water
The acidity of lemon water erodes the tooth enamel. If you drink it every day, your tooth enamel can be destroyed.

Unfortunately, it is not only the appearance issue. Lemon water makes teeth sensitive to both hot and cold sensations, and you will never ever enjoy ice cream like you used to so far.

What is the first thing you do to make lemon water even worse

Its heat. Warm lemon water causes severe erosion.

High temperatures stimulate chemical reactions, and increases the acidity. Sugar impacts tooth structure, and you do not need it in your hot tea. If you are all about its benefits, the least you can do is drink cold lemon water.

The second way of making lemon water bad for you
Brushing your teeth right after you drink your lemon water is the worst thing you can do at that moment.

Most people brush their teeth first thing in the morning. But, if you drink lemon water before you eat or drink anything, and then brush your teeth, you are likely to experience some serious side effects.

Acid in lemon water softens tooth enamel, and if you like to brush your teeth right after you drink your cleansing potion, the erosion will get worse, especially if you use a hard-bristled brush.

This is the only time when brushing your teeth is not recommended.

Guilt-free lemon water
The first thing you should remember is not to brush your teeth for at least an hour after you have had your lemon water, and even when you get to brush them later in the morning, make sure you do it gently, using a soft-bristled brush. You can also clean your teeth first, and then drink your lemon water.

Use a straw to ease the situation. In this way the water will not ‘touch’ your teeth. Make your lemon water a bit milder than you usually do. And remember, cold lemon water is a much better option.

If you are thinking of a way to get rid of the acid without brushing your teeth vigorously, consider rinsing your mouth with water only. Do it thoroughly.

Try other kinds of water is also a nice tip. Try cucumber water. It will give you all the benefits, minus the acid. Enjoy your lemon water, but keep in mind that oral health is also important.
