The Man Who Shocked The World: Cancer Can Be Cured In 3 Minutes All You Need To Do Is…

This exceptional theory was presented by Gregg Braden, the American author who is famous for his theories for treating cancer.

Namely, he claims that our emotions have an influence on our DNA and that the power of collectivized thoughts, such as prayer and suggestion, can help us cure all types of physical diseases.

Cancer Cells

The effects of cancer can be stopped by intent awareness on the synergy between the manifestations and our thoughts, and there is a field that unites everything.

The field he names is proven and explained scientifically in the leading science journal Nature No. 332 in 1996.

Control over emotions and thoughts

Our thoughts and emotions create electromagnetic fields, and their waves can reach up to one meter in our body.

Nikola Tesla also stated that in the future people will create electric power using the power of their thoughts, and this means that our thoughts can be an extremely strong source of energy.

But, here we talk about powerful and focused thoughts as opposed to the mixed up thoughts about everything we feel and see. Collective thoughts may create an extremely powerful electromagnetic field and have an impact on the environment.

After the establishment of this technique, this will no longer be a fiction but a serious technology that will present the basis for treatment.

A Chinese hospital recorded a video which is a real proof. The video shows the elimination of a cancer with a size of 3×2.5 centimeters in about three minutes, and follows the whole process on an ultrasound screen.

If you want to produce strong electromagnetic radiation you need to learn to control your feelings and emotions, as well as to enhance them with practice.

Feelings can change the DNA

Our emotions and feelings are like mirrors. Everything we do is reflected in the environment so we receive the same thing we have in ourselves.

For example, if you say: “Someday I will be happy, or I will be cured or find a new job etc.…” the mirror will tell us whether these things are going to come true.

But, if we feel and say that we are changing here and now, as if this is actually happening, an alteration in our DNA will occur and we will really change ourselves.

Almost all scientists claim that our emotions and faith are not associated to our lives and especially the occurrence and treatment of diseases, however, psycho-oncology claims the opposite.

It is our emotions, thoughts, faith and feelings that have the power to control everything that is happening in our lives and ourselves.

Don’t forget that emotions can change our DNA!
